The Sleeping Habits of 21 Entrepreneurs [INFOGRAPHIC]

A while back, we posed a question to our readers: is sleep even necessary for entrepreneurs? Across the board, it seemed that entrepreneur sleeping habits varied greatly – with some sleeping more while some less, and with many more variations on bed times. Home Arena recently reached out to 21 entrepreneurs and again looked at entrepreneur sleeping habits. The goal? To determine whether entrepreneurs are cut from the same cloth and exhibit the same sleep patterns. The lesson? Sleep whenever works for you.

Entrepreneur sleeping habits aren’t different from any other person’s. While, ideally, I think we’re all trying to pin down the perfect sleep pattern that will maximize our opportunities at success, it seems that there’s no one “right” way to sleep. In the infographic below, each of the 21 entrepreneurs share how much sleep they get each night, what hours of the day they spend in bed, and even provide a little insight on ways they get perk themselves up throughout the day (whether that’s taking a nap or exercising for X amount of time).

Regardless of whatever entrepreneur sleeping habits you exhibit, it’s important that you get enough sleep per night. While being an entrepreneur is a hard job, sacrificing sleep equates to literally sacrificing a good part of your well-being; you’re running a company, and you won’t be capable of doing so if you can’t even think straight. The best way to get that shut-eye every day? Establish a sleep ritual.

Read what these 21 people have to say about their entrepreneur sleeping habits:

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Ronald Barba was the previous managing editor of Tech.Co. His primary story interests include industry trends, consumer-facing apps/products, the startup lifestyle, business ethics, diversity in tech, and what-is-this-bullsh*t things. Aside from writing about startups and entrepreneurship, Ronald is interested in 'Doctor Who', Murakami, 'The Mindy Project', and fried chicken. He is currently based in New York because he mistakenly studied philosophy in college and is now a "writer". Tweet @RonaldPBarba.
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