Finding a Balance Between Technology and Spirituality

Nowadays, technology is dominating the world. It is all around us, surrounding us and dictating our life. We can easily use our smartphones in order to find out anything that we want and get connected to the entire world through the internet. But in the age of the smartphone, have we lost our connection to spirituality?

We cannot deny the fact that technology offers a lot of power for every single user out there. The problem is that this automatically leads towards a higher reliance on technology. Most people end up not exploring nature, not going out, and basically relying on these devices to get information on anything. Direct contact and discovery have disappeared to the wayside. As a simple example, you cannot compare simply knowing about snow (through Wikipedia) to actually touching it; you cannot realize how great the Grand Canyon is when you look at it in a picture on Flickr.

When talking about spirituality, it is important to use technology in order to facilitate spirit of enquiry. Using too much technology can lead towards eliminating spirituality. Too much spirituality can lead towards an inadequate use of technology. It is important to find a balance between the two. However, this is so much easier said than done.

The problem is that there is such a thin line that exists between technology and spirituality and it is really easy to go towards one or the other; however, this does not mean that it is impossible. For instance, we can easily use an ebook reader in order to read the top 11 spiritual books of this year. This is a way through which spirituality is enhanced within the realm of technology.

When you meditate, you gain centeredness. We can easily see meditation as a kind of management technology, which is definitely not something that people would even consider. Meditation connects us to the mind’s main source, allowing us to improve on so many things, including our subconscious.

We can say that everything is connected to how important spirituality is for you. This will dictate how much and what technology you use. It is how you have to look at things instead of remaining focused on how important technology is for you.

Constantly try to add technology in your life. In the event that you feel your spirituality was negatively affected, cut down on that technology that causes the problem. Balancing the two is as simple as that, a trial and error process in which you always stay honest with yourself.

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A passionate blogger who loves to travel.
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