The 31 Top Coding Bootcamps of 2016

Across the country, the popularity of coding bootcamps are on the rise – and with good reason. They’re accessible, inclusive, and a more flexible option for those looking to gain new technical skills in the ever-evolving job market. Plus, there’s huge potential for increasing your salary.

Through countless amounts of recommendations and guidelines, SwitchUp has been able to complete their latest list of top coding bootcamps for 2015. Whether you’re a coding newbie or a seasoned programmer looking for the next challenge to tackle, these top coding bootcamps are essential in this ever-evolving job market.

1. Anyone Can Learn To Code

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, and Git

2. Bloc

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Ruby on Rails, HTML, Javascript, iOS, Android, Objective C, Swift, UX Design, CSS, AngularJS

3. Code Fellows

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: Python, Full-Stack JavaScript, iOS Development

4. Coder Camps

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Full Stack JavaScript, Full Stack .NET, Full Stack Java, Coding From Scratch

5. Coder Foundry

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: .NET, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, C#, MVC

6. Codeup

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript

7. Coding Dojo

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: Front-End Fundamentals, HTML/CSS, Javascript, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, LESS, PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL, Ajax, Angular.JS, MongoDB, Express, Node.JS, Socket.IO, Redis, Postgres, SQLite, Coffeescript, NGINX, Heroku, Ruby, Rails


Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Web design, HTML, CSS, Javascript, UX, ixd, UI, design

9. Dev Bootcamps

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: JavaScript, common JavaScript libraries, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, HTML and CSS

10. Dev League

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, Node.js, Backbone.js, JQuery, D3

11. Epicodus

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Intro to Programming, Ruby, PHP, Java, C#, JavaScript, Rails, Drupal, Android, .NET, CSS, Design

12. Founders and Coders

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: JavaScript, Node.js, React

13. Fullstack Academy

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: AngularJS, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3 Express.js, jQuery, CTO Program

14. General Assembly

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: Web Development (Full-stack: Javascript, Ruby, Rails), Web Design, UI/UX Design, Product Management, Digital Marketing, Analytics, Front-end (HTML, CSS, Javascript), Back-end (Ruby, Ruby on Rails), Data Science

15. Grand Circus

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Java, .NET, Javascript, HTML, CSS

16. Hackbright Academy

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Python, JavaScript, HTML, Git, Django, SQL, CSS

17. Hack Reactor

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Algorithims, AngularJS, CoffeeScript, CSS, Data Structures, Express, Git, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, MongoDB, MySQL, Node.js, SQL

18. Ironhack

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sinatra

19. Launch Academy

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS, SQL, Git, Front-end, Back-end

20. Le Wagon

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, Javascript

21. Lighthouse Labs

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Node, Angular.js, Objective-C, Xcode, Swift, Sinatra, Ruby, HTML, CSS

22. Makers Academy

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: Ruby, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, jQuery, SQL, PostgreSQL, Git and Heroku, Softwire Design, Agile and Lean

23. Rocket U

Rating: 3.0
Subjects: Python, Django, Angular.JS, Javascript

24. Software Craftsmanship Guild

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Full Stack Web Development – Java or .NET, SQL Server / MySQL, HTML/CSS/JavaScript

25. Starter League

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Programming, Design, Product Development, Entrepreneurship, Visual Design, JavaScript, User Experience

26. Startup Institute

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Web Design, Web Development, Technical Marketing, Sales & Account Management

27. Tech Talent South

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Ruby on Rails, Domain Modeling, HTTP and “RESTful” Design, HTML/CSS, Javascript and AJAX

28. The Flatiron School

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: Ruby on Rails, iOS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

29. The Iron Yard

Rating: 4.0
Subjects: Ruby on Rails, Ruby, HTML, CSS, Git, JavaScript, Objective-C, iOS, XCode5, Swift

30. Thinkful

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, AngularJS, Swift, Python, UX/UI Design, Data Science

31. V School

Rating: 5.0
Subjects: JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, iOS, HTML, CC, jQuery, MongoDB, Express, SQL

Photo: WOCinTech / Flickr.

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Written by:
Cameron is a tech and culture journalist, comic book enthusiast, and lives near New York City. A graduate of Stockton University, she's using her words to shift the world of online journalism, one byline at a time. When she's not writing, she can be found reading sci-fi novels, collecting succulents, and planning her next obnoxious hair color. Cameron is an editorial fellow at Tech.Co. Send your tips to or tweet @BlkGirlManifest.
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