Most (if not all) collaboration apps and services focus on organic teams, not paying enough attention to the needs of more diverse workgroups – which, quite often demand (for example) the ability to introduce new people as fast as possible, while maintaining real-time ongoing business discussions and relationships for months and years, if needed.
Just like in the past, every achievement we get nowadays depends on collaboration, of which workgroups are a key aspect. However, some of these workgroups are not the traditional organic teams within companies – they require collaboration that goes beyond company borders.
Truthfully, every ongoing business discussion, every cross-company project, and every email conversation with several people on CC, is actually a workgroup trying to get something done. And this is why a platform like Workgroup makes absolute sense.
Workgroup is a platform for managing workgroups, with a new app launching today on iOS and Android, that replaces group email communication with simple, fast, persistent, effective and real time workgroups. This platform aims to solve the aforementioned lack of focus on the needs of collaboration outside companies.
With Workgroup, setting up a workgroup of any size with the right people (from any company) on it is very easy: simply add people like you would add them to an email, or just send them an invite link, and that is it. Invited people can get in with a single click.
This platform also raises efficiency, as ongoing projects and discussions can be developed there, replacing internal and external emails with simpler, faster, and more efficient real-time messaging. It also allows participants to know when other people read their messages, allowing for instant replies – helpful to shorten the time for discussions and decisions.
Omer Kalderon, VP of Marketing for Workgroup, talked about what is special about this platform:
“Workgroup brings together people from different teams and companies, letting them share their skills and talent to get amazing things done – together. We believe the collaboration market is only just beginning, hundreds of millions of users are still stuck with email, and we want to help as many of them as we can, make the transition to workgroup collaboration.”