2 Vacation Tips for Avoiding Startup Business Burnout

Running your own business, especially a tech startup, requires a lot of time and energy. Even successful leaders such as Mark Zuckerberg often put in approximately 50 hours per week, and the launch of a startup often requires an even bigger time investment. Although you probably cannot justify making the time to take a vacation while your startup is first gaining traction, you will need to take a break eventually in order to maintain your stamina and ability to make wise decisions.

Research indicates that men can reduce their risk of suffering from a heart attack by 30 percent by simply taking a two-week vacation once per year. For women, the health benefits are even higher as a single vacation cuts their heart attack risk in half. Therefore, you need to place an emphasis on the importance of maintaining your health by getting away from it all every so often. After all, if you suffer from burnout or develop health issues as a result of working too much, you will not be able to keep running a profitable business.

There are many ways that you can utilize a two-week vacation, but keep in mind that it is best to do something that will take you far away from your smartphone and the daily responsibilities associated with your personal and professional lives. With this in mind, we present 2 fantastic vacation tips that can help every startup owner and entrepreneur de-stress.

1. Go On an Unusual Expedition – Have you always wanted to see Antarctica or the Arctic Circle? Doing something out of the ordinary that enables you to see some of the hidden beauty of the world is a very viable option for getting your focus off of work. For example, there are cruising expeditions that allow you to see whales, penguins and polar bears, and you can even follow the path of ancient Vikings. As an added bonus, an experienced group such as Oceanwide Expeditions that has been conducting these trips for more than two decades will offer tour information in multiple languages. This makes it easier to relax and enjoy yourself because you will not need to have a translator nearby.

2. Book a Tropical Vacation – Many people daydream about spending time on the beach, and this really is a good way to relax. An all-inclusive tropical resort will keep you from spending unnecessary time looking for dining options or excursion information, and you can lie on the beach all afternoon without dealing with constant email alerts. Alternatively, you can have some privacy by picking out a hammock located in the shade and reading a book or finally catching up on some sleep.

If you prefer the endorphins that are associated with being a risk taker, you could schedule your vacation around swimming with sharks or mountain climbing. However, be sure that you still take some time to relax and enjoy the experience so that you receive all of the health benefits associated with taking an annual vacation.

Image Credit: Flickr/Andreas Kambanis


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Written by:
Holly Chavez is a former engineer and current writer and entrepreneur. She enjoys writing informative articles about technology and is amazed at all the new inventions and strides that happen every day. Holly also cares about the environment and is involved with writing projects and activism that supports sustainability, Green living and lowering the carbon footprint.
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