5 Blog Post Concepts That Will Explode Your Traffic

With over 300 million blogs in the world today, it can be quite tough to try and come up with new posts ideas that not only provide value, but are also meaningful and fun to read. Having written thousands of posts myself, this is something I continually deal with on a daily basis.

However, if you know what type of blog posts people like to read or find value in, then it’s much easier to come up with topics and ideas for any niche possible. Funny articles, coupons, how to guides and resources are always some of the most commonly read and shared articles for millions of sites in the world today.

This is exactly what we are going to be talking about in this article — showcasing five different blog types, while also giving you real examples of each.

Let’s get started!

Five Blog Post Concepts You Can Start Using Today

Each of the blog post types and examples below can be used in nearly every niche, it’s simply a matter of changing the content around to match the interests of your target audience. Be sure to check out each of the examples to get a good idea of how to come up with high quality and interesting content for your niche.

Useful Tutorials

Every day, millions of people head over to Google to try and find tutorials and guides on how to do something new. No matter how simple you might think something is, people are searching for it. What’s even crazier is the amount of content and resources for everything out there. When creating tutorials for your own site, focus on using text, images and videos to best deliver your message and tutorial process.

In this “How to Boil an Egg” article, the process of something that seems so extremely simple is then ‘boiled down’ into many different steps. Not only does this article walk through the basics of how to boil an egg, but also the many different types of consistences you can cook your egg based off it’s boiling time.

Coupons and Discounts

As millions of people search for ‘how to’ articles and guides on the internet every day, just as many people are searching for online coupons and discounts. When focusing on giving your audience access to coupon codes and discounts, it’s important to make sure they are completely relevant to the other content on your site. This includes making sure your coupons are updated, capable with your audience and allowed to be shared through your site.

Blogging.org is one of the internet’s biggest resources for learning how to start a blog. Since nearly all of the site’s traffic is focused on how to start a blog and get setup for web hosting, it makes complete sense for them to create individualized hosting coupons based off the various hosting companies in the world today. You can see an example of one of their hosting coupon articles here. Not only does the site provide the user with multiple coupon codes, but also a wide range of video tutorials, user testimonials and services offered to give the end user exactly what they are looking for.

Entertainment/Celebrity Based Content

Targeting the interests of your audience is one of the best ways to create content that not only provides value and entertainment, but also has the potential to go viral as well. If the audience of your site is focused on sports, then using creativity in your title and articles can draw in even more interest, click-throughs and social shares. A good example of this would be to use famous sports teams or athletes in your title and building content around that concept.

In this Huffington Post article titled “Everything I Needed to Learn in Life, I Learned from Star Trek”, you can see how a simple article can be spun into something fun and exciting for any niche audience. While the article may not be a big thrill for non-Star Trek fans, it’s quite the opposite for anyone who is a Trekkie.

Now what type of fun and creative content can you start creating for your audience?

List Posts

When creating web content, it’s always important to remember that not everyone likes to read several hundred word articles. Not many of us have that long of an attention span and certainly not enough time in the day. For this reason, list posts are one of the most exciting and fun ways to deliver content to your audience, while also giving them a quick read in the process.

While logo designs might not be the most fascinating topic in the world, there are ways to make the concept more exciting and shareable. For example, in this “Top 10 Most Talked About Sports Logo Designs” from Designhill, not only does the article relate with graphic designers, but also sports enthusiasts as well.

Motivational and Success Stories

Everyone loves a good success story! The good news is that they are all over the place and new stories are coming out every day. Whether you are writing content for business, sports or even how to be a great speaker, there are plenty of motivational and success stories out there for you to work with.

Speaking of motivation, some of the most successful and viral content pieces on the internet are based on motivational quotes from entrepreneurs or celebrities in the world today. This article from Entrepreneur.com on “50 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You” has over 49,000 social shares!

Creating Killer Content for Your Site

At the end of the day, the title of your article is going to draw the most interest. This is where you should spend a lot of your time, then building out your content around it. This is exactly how each of the examples above most likely created their content — by finding a topic or niche focus their audience would be interested in, then writing high-quality content around it.

This model works extremely well for entertainment and information based sites, but still works well for B2B and service businesses as well. Before hitting that “Publish” button on your next post, think about how you can bring some life and excitement to your blog post and title.

Image credit: Nirufe, cropped and resized

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20 years of experience in the online marketing space
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