If you’re an employee at a startup, you must dream of the day when you’ll finally get to build your own. You will be able to see the difference between owning a business and working for one already. For most people with big ambitions this can be too much to handle.
They decide to finally go out and chase their dream, but they realize it’s not as easy as it seems. Luckily there are some things you can do to prepare for tough times. If you’re one of those employees looking to break free, we’ll talk about a few things you should know.
Create A Great Company Culture
When Jack Dorsey was trying to build Twitter he came to an important realization. When you’re trying to build a great startup, there needs to be a positive culture, which means getting rid of all the negativity.
This meant getting rid of employees he considered superstars because they were too negative. You’ll have to hire and fire people, so remember skills come second to an environment everyone will love.
It’s Not About You Anymore
We all like to think we’re working for the good of the company, but employees will always look out for number one. When something goes right they’ll take credit for it, but when it goes wrong they’ll blame someone else.
Once you’re in charge of your own startup it doesn’t really matter who is at fault, because you’re ultimately responsible for everyone. When it goes well you have to accept you couldn’t have done it on your own.
Education Is Still Important
Everyone assumes you can build a huge business without an education because Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates dropped out of college. You don’t necessarily need a college degree, but educating yourself every day is almost essential.
Get NetSuite certifications if you want a much deeper understanding of your new business. Spend hours perfecting your coding even if you’re already great. Don’t forget all top startup founders read lots of books.
Ignore the Success of Others
Lots of startups in your local area will become successful long before you ever will. It’s something you think about as an employee, but it doesn’t really affect you on a personal level because you’re not tied to anything.
A large majority of founders seem to care far too much about other companies. Unless they’re competing for your customers it doesn’t matter how they’re progressing. Focusing on them will only take away from your venture.
Learn How to Raise Money
Do you know that money your startup keeps depositing into your bank account every month? Once you start your own startup it will disappear and you’ll need to replace it. This will have to be done through raising money.
Some companies will be profitable from the start, but in reality you’ll have to raise something. If you want to scale up quickly you’ll need to raise lots, so it’s something you will need to get very good at.
Give It Your Best Shot
What is the worst that can happen if you don’t succeed? You’ll have to find another job, which should be easy if you’re skilled. If you do become one of the lucky founders all of your dreams will come true and life will never be the same again.