Anthropic Takes on OpenAI with Claude Enterprise Plan

Learn more about the new Enterprise plan for Claude AI that will compete with ChatGPT for big business bucks.

AI firm Anthropic is taking aim at enterprise customers with a new subscription plan for its chatbot, Claude.

After a busy year of rapid launches, the newcomer — Claude for Enterprise — will go head-to-head with OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise plan.

The launch is a fresh challenge for OpenAI with the two chatbots already being weighed up against each other.

What Does Claude Enterprise Deliver?

For starters, the business-specific solution delivers an expanded 500K context window, substantially improving the processing power of the AI chatbot, even from just a single prompt.

The new plan also offers native GitHub integration, which will be a big draw for engineering teams. On top of that, the Anthropic team has boosted the usage capacity of Claude. It says in a release statement that it has also upped the security features for subscribers with Single Sign-On, role-based permissions, and admin tools.

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Anthropic also added: “We do not train Claude on your conversations and content,” which is similar to OpenAI’s policies.

Targeting Fortune 500 companies

In March, Anthropic launched a trio of models – Claude 3 Opus, Claude 3 Sonnet – which have become popular with coders – and Claude 3 Haiku, claimed to be its fastest model yet.

All three are powered by the Claude 3 LLM, which not only beats its predecessor, but was also claimed to be more than a worthy adversary to ChatGPT-4 and Google’s Gemini Ultra. The team put this claim to the test in a detailed challenge between OpenAI and Anthropic; and the results did sway in Claude’s favor.

In May, Anthropic unveiled its Claude Team plan and iOS app; and the Android app was announced in July. The company is now teasing a 3.5 model family with Claude 3.5 Sonnet leading the pack and available now for free but with rate limits.

Price for subscription to be confirmed

There isn’t a price as yet for the new Enterprise Plan, but Anthropic product lead Scott White told TechCrunch that it will be more than the Team plan (which costs $30 per month, per member).

Price will be key as OpenAI offers more for less; and getting subscribers is going to be a heated battle in the enterprise space.

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Katie has been a journalist for more than twenty years. At 18 years old, she started her career at the world's oldest photography magazine before joining the launch team at Wired magazine as News Editor. After a spell in Hong Kong writing for Cathay Pacific's inflight magazine about the Asian startup scene, she is now back in the UK. Writing from Sussex, she covers everything from nature restoration to data science for a beautiful array of magazines and websites.
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