App Attributes: Consumers & Custom Software Applications

How many days can you go without using an app? If days seem unfathomable, how many hours? At one time time it felt like a novelty or luxury to use an application to complete an everyday task. Today, it is a regular part of the daily lives of most consumers. We’ve come to rely upon them and even have heightened expectations for their performance and capabilities.

Still, there remains some distance between the expectations that consumers have about their app experiences and what businesses are providing. Consumers regularly browse for products that they are considering, make those purchases, watch videos, do banking transactions, interact on social media, and play games. However, while many feel that they should expect a seamless experience, few businesses and organizations have actually reached the point that they are providing it.

In order to meet the needs of modern-day consumers, apps need to provide:

  •         A proper balance between appealing design and efficient practicality
  •         A design with flexibility that allows the user to use and customize the app with creativity in order to personalize the experience to his or her needs and wants
  •         A software that is built as a foundation for what is to come, so that the next generation offer a neat fit
  •         An attractive design that is visually striking, but not to the point that it sacrifices functionality
  •         An experience that offers the consumer a relevant interaction that he or she will consider to be valuable and worthwhile

Adoption of software applications and the management of changes is notably simpler when there is excitement about its use. Overall, people feel the greatest amount of comfort when they are using something familiar. Therefore, to be able to convince people to change the way they are currently doing something, they will need to be given an exciting and appealing reason to do so.

Among the best ways to be able to do this is to develop custom software applications that customers actually want. Finding out what exactly that entails involves working closely with the individuals who will actually be using it. This makes it possible to get a feel for what is working, what is not, and what is adequate but could be improved in some way. The outcome is an app that a consumer will be drawn to adopt and that he or she will be able to fit quite naturally into a current lifestyle or schedule.


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Written by:
Robert Chang is Director of Engineering at SETA International, a global software solutions company. SETA is a top consulting firm, which specializes in custom software and application development, onshore-offshore model staff augmentation and quality assurance testing. Read more from Robert on the SETA blog.
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