Baltimore Startup Throwdown: 13 Startups Announced For Startup Showcase

Ok, not a throw-down exactly. But we have 13 local area startups demoing at Tech Cocktail’s Baltimore Startup Showcase Mixer next week and it’s time we announced them and asked you, the Tech Cocktail reader, to vote for the best. Here are the contenders.

  • BeerGivr – BeerGivr enables friends to buy each other drinks even when they cannot be together. Settling a bet or saying happy birthday, cheers!
  • BetaPunch – BetaPunch connects startups founders with influential beta testers who are eager and ready to try the next great web, social, or mobile application.
  • Bizelo – A growing collection of awesome small biz apps that work simply and simply work — all for under $30 a month.
  • CodePupil – Learn to code HTML/CSS thru visual exercises/games and offline workshops.
  • eNotebook – Allows you to take notes on DOC, PPT and PDF files and keep these notes in an easy to use library. Why settle for only one format?
  • funseek – Your singular go to source for local events and all things fun. Rediscover your community and find yourself.
  • Handteq – Provides white-labeled value-driven mobile solutions for Events, Property Managers, and Groups
  • Njorku – A job search engine for Africa, that provides career services to candidates and recruitment solutions to entities in Africa.
  • – The easiest way to share what you want for anything like a birthday and make sure you get it and others are able to give
  • Parking Panda – An online marketplace for parking. Book parking online and save money or rent out your space to earn extra cash.
  • TeamGantt – Providing an easy way to schedule a project, share and collaborate based on that schedule.
  • viaPlace – A B2B LBS (location based services) framework, providing users with dynamic content on their smartphones based on location and preferences.
  • Woofound – Say “Me” or “Not Me” to a series images and get personalized recommendations for things to do based on who you are and what you like.

Will it be all about the beer and good times, lean towards the educational and career oriented or practical and business oriented. You tell us – cast your vote now and we hope to see everyone in the Baltimore area on Wednesday night.

[polldaddy poll=”6181153″]

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Jen Consalvo is the Cofounder and COO of Tech.Co. She previously worked in product development for almost 13 years at AOL for audiences of millions. Follow her on Twitter at: @noreaster.
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