Easily Create, Rethink and Relink QR Codes with ToggleTo.com

When I first started writing about QR codes last fall, I thought 2011 would be their year – or at least a major trend this year.  It hasn’t really worked out that way, though, due to ease of use and management issues faced by marketers. However, according to ToggleTo.com CEO Judy Hamilton, the latest research from Mobile Marketer shows that QR code scanning has increased over 4,500 percent in the first quarter of 2011.

“What marketers are looking for now is an easy way to manage the codes and their campaigns and a way to keep the content fresh so their customers keep coming back. That’s where we come in.” – Judy Hamilton

So marketers, check out Vancouver-based startup ToggleTo.com.  They have created a web based QR code campaign management system that has everything mobile marketers need to create, manage, measure, test and tweak their QR code campaigns.

Their technology allows you to create dynamic QR codes, which is awesome, as you can change the target URL after the code has been created and printed.  The QR code could link to a video one day, a product review the following day, or a coupon the next.  This flexibility means print materials, ads and signage can all have a longer shelf life and still provide an interactive brand experience.

The ToggleTo.com dashboard provides real-time analytics to boot, so you can track, compare, and even conduct A/B and split tests for all the elements to instantly see what’s most effective.

All 4 of ToggleTo.com’s accomplished founding members are British Columbia Institute of Technology graduates in DataComm and Client/Server technologies.

  • Judy Hamilton, CEO, has held C-Level technology positions at companies such as MSFHR and Aker Solutions and was a driving force behind the international success of technology startups such as TIR Systems and TGI Technologies.
  • D’Arcy Smith, CTO, is former Java Evangelist at Symantec.
  • Jason Harrison, Director, Development has been developing web based systems that provide a superior user experience for companies such as MDA and Alcatel-Lucent.
  • Steve Fossen, Director, Data Systems – Steve is a data and system integrity specialist has held senior management positions at security industry leaders such as Fortinet and SilverTip.

If you’re headed to Tech Cocktail Vancouver on July 9, be sure to stop by and meet the ToggleTo.com team, as they are one of our showcased startups.

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Monika Jansen is a writer and editor who is happiest pounding out blog posts, newsletters, website content, and other materials. Follow her at: @monikacjansen
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