Easy Ways for Entrepreneurs to Get Into Podcasting

As a female entrepreneur, I am used to forging my path, being the only woman at the boardroom table, and most importantly finding my voice. In fact, I’ve made a career and agency out of the latter – helping brands find their voices and creating experiences that uniquely communicate their points of view. But I still had more to say. Which is why, in early December 2016, I started a podcast, The Reset, sponsored by Bose.

It wasn’t until I got into the industry, however, that I realized that I was one of the only women podcasters. This shocked me. In the days of shattering glass ceilings and conquering the world, how have we not conquered the airwaves? According to Forbes, a study from February 2016 released by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington-based think tank, showed that there is a significant “positive correlation between the proportion of women in corporate leadership and firm profitability,” and more and more companies are taking note, hiring women in the C-suite and other executive level roles.

Interestingly enough, while the glass ceiling seems to have been shattered in the field of marketing, podcasting is still very much a “man’s world.” According to a 2013 study looking at the top 100 podcasts, eighty percent were hosted by men, 10 percent were men and women, and 10 percent were only women. I want to change this and level the playing field. I think it’s important for all women to champion this cause – only then will we truly be equal. Here are a few of my tips:

1: Think About Your Unique Voice

When I started thinking about the theme of my podcast, I began by browsing iTunes and looking at things that I wanted to hear. I knew that I wanted a smart and informative podcast about marketing, but nothing existed. As an expert in helping brand’s find their voices and tell their stories at my agency, DigitalFlash, I knew that I was uniquely poised to create this type of content. So give it some thought – where is your area of expertise? What do you think is missing from the podcasting space? Now go and create it!

2: Brand Yourself

Remember – you ARE the company, and no matter how uncomfortable you may be, you have to put yourself out there. Marketing your business never stops; you have to use social media, PR and your network. From there, celebrate the things that you like about yourself and your successes.

For example, since starting the podcast I have learned that I like the sound of my own voice. Don’t be afraid to share key learnings, triumphs and failures – they will make you relatable and human, and get the word out that you are in the game and making a difference.

3: Don’t Wait Around

Do your homework, define your strategy and then get moving. Otherwise, you can make every excuse in the book not to get started. From there, get as much advice as you possibly can and consider who in your network could be helpful – you may come across sponsors, partners or others who can put you on the path to success.

4: Ask for What You Want

Do not be afraid to ask for what you want in business, whether that’s introductions, help, networking or money. Female entrepreneurs sometimes think it’s a sign of weakness. But rather, it’s the most important thing you can do for your business to grow.


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Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world's most promising young entrepreneurs. YEC members generate billions of dollars in revenue and have created tens of thousands of jobs.
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