Run Innovative Marketing Campaigns with Viral Calculators and Quizzes

The consumer profile has changed. Regardless of your company’s size, merely offering quality services or products with spectacular prices or memorable advertising marketing campaigns is not enough anymore. You need to do more.

You need to think differently and run campaigns that are not only memorable, but also add value to the customer – that is the only way to stand out of the crowd. This is where interactive quizzes and calculators come in. Simply put, customers prefer being helped instead of being sold to, in order to become engaged. To enable marketers to “outgrow” old marketing, Outgrow has launched an interactive content platform that lets any marketer build great calculators and quizzes, easily and quickly.

It is easy to understand just how popular these quizzes and calculators can be. For example, The New York Times’ most shared article in 2013 was actually not an article, but a quiz. On Buzzfeed, 8 of the top 20 most popular pieces are quizzes.

This happens because they are more “sharable,” and go viral considerably more easily than a text-filled article. The article may be excellent, but most people simply will not read it all. Stats show that interactive content (quizzes and calculators) enjoy a 50 percent higher click rate and 13 percent more shares than its static counterpart, and 4-5 times more page views.

Outgrow offers marketers a tool to build great interactive content, with no programming skills required. Just select, drag, and drop, and complete the desired content, and the quizzes and calculators are immediately ready to be published anywhere you want, including any website, app or CMS.

This platform also allows you to monitor how well interactive content performs, with analytics and rich customer data at your disposal. Being so complete, Outgrow is a good tool for marketers and other professionals to create and share quizzes and calculators, which are great ways to connect with customers and increase leads, as well as sales results.

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25 y/o, born and living in Portugal. Majored in Biology, but tech and computers were always a passion. Wrote for sites like Windows.Appstorm and MakeTechEasier.
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