Meet The Challenge Cup Berlin’s Hottest Showcasing Startups

Last week was the Challenge Cup Berlin’s Regional competition, held at Betahaus.  Dozens of startups delivered their one-minute pitch on stage to a panel of judges, where one company from each category would emerge as the winner and move onto the final round.

In the spirit of Tech Cocktail, however, we want your take.  We ran a poll for each category (Education, Energy, Health, and Smart Cities), to see who you thought was the hottest of the group.  The readers have spoken.  Below are your Reader’s Choice winners.

The Challenge Cup Berlin’s Hottest Showcasing Startups


Webinars –  platform for production and sales of educational content and an advanced tool for managing educational content easily. Use webapp for creating, streaming and storing data easily.


Caretosave – a polar bear energy display with storybook and web app to teach children how to use electricity wisely through the series of lessons and advises from Bobo.  Club compares family efforts to friends and districts.Web app shows electricity consumption, ice saved, temperature, and statistics to track actions over time.


SkinVision – SkinVision provides a personalized mobile application for people that value a healthy skin. It helps people with finding potential dangerous spots on your skin by themselves. The application has the potential to increase awareness, helps people to take appropriate actions and reduces barriers to see a doctor in a timely fashion.

Smart Cities

My City –  a platform for sharing and discussing ideas on what and how can be improved in the city’s environment. It helps municipalities and community activists activists to collect ideas on improving their cities, bridge the gap between government and citizens, engage citizens in urban planning activities, and inspire people to take action themselves. The platform offers smart data analysis, so collected ideas are presented in a nice and ready-to-action way which helps automate a lot of current’s government hours.

 Congratulations to the startups.  Next up: London.

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When Zach Davis isn't getting lost in the mountains, he is hustling from Boulder, CO as Tech Cocktail's Director of Marketing. He is the author of Appalachian Trials, a book chronicling the mindset necessary for thru-hiking all 2,181 miles of the Appalachian Trail, a feat he accomplished in 2011. Zach is a green tea enthusiast, die-hard Chicago sports fan, and avid concert-goer. Follow Zach on Twitter: @zrdavis.
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