Should You Outsource Your Content Marketing?

In 2015, startups spent more than 75 percent of their marketing budget for digital marketing. Interestingly content and social media marketing got more and more priority while display advertising became less important tactic. Recently, content marketing and social media have played skey role in reaching out to more customers. For startups, this is no exception. Startups find it easier to reach their target audiences through contents that demonstrate their expertise and help the customers. For example, Digital Ocean is famous for its problem-solving blog contents.

While most of startups do know the importance of creating valuable content, a majority of them have a hard time to devise a content strategy that works. Creating great content and taking advantage of that content does require a lot of attention and practice, which most of the startups cannot afford. Many large companies may pour millions into hiring full-time content marketing managers to develop and manage their content strategy. But when it comes to startups that’s probably not the most feasible idea. If you are working on your own startup, one possible solution is to outsource your content marketing.

You May Not Possess the Required Skills or Time

As a new startup entrepreneur, it is quite unlikely for you to possess the necessary skills which qualify you as a content marketer. Moreover, having so many things to handle, it is quite understandable that a founder will barely have the time to invest in producing quality content instead of focusing on the core product or service. Since content marketing has become such a crucial tactic for a startup, it can get you the best results when you hand over content marketing to the specialists.

You May Not Have the Right People to Do the Job

Let’s face it, most startups do not have the right people to manage their content marketing strategy. Majority of startups focus too much into product development and that is why engineers and designers play the crucial parts in the team. The marketing team consists of sales people who focus on sales. When sales team takes up the content marketing job the content soon devolves into “old school” sales talk rather than being helpful for the target audience.

Consider Your Budgetary Issues

Having a startup is never easy, especially when you are working in the early stage with a higher burn rate. Usually, startups feel a bit too insecure to invest heavily into content marketing since they are unsure about obtaining a higher ROI. Hiring content managing agencies solves this problem as they are better equipped to develop optimized campaigns to get you the best results within your budget.

Content Marketing Is Dynamic

Just like all other elements in the business world, content marketing is continuously evolving. According to statistics, nearly half of the marketers struggle when it comes to devising an effective content plan. Keeping close tabs on the current industry practices is a must to reach out to a massive target audience. Once you have a good traction on your business you may need a team to invigilate all these changes. But for now, outsourcing these content requirements to the right people is just the right move.

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Written by:
Shaik Mahmood is a content Strategist, digital marketing expert, He works at MediaMuse and is the co-founder of the social journalism platform He helps startups and businesses to engage the target audiences with compelling case studies and stories.
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