Venture Capital Report: MA and NY Gain Momentum, CA Slows

A report released today by venture capital database CB Insights shows that Massachusetts and California gained ground relative to California in Q4 2012.

California still ranked #1 for number of deals and amount of total funding, three times higher than any other state. Massachusetts came in at #2 in funding and New York at #2 in deals. But changes from Q3 show California slumping while Massachusetts and New York are gaining.

The chart below pulls data from the report to illustrate that trend as clearly as possible. Remember that deals refer to the number of transactions, whereas funding refers to the total amount:

 venture capital statistics 2012

Massachusetts’s increase in number of deals may have been boosted by seed deals. While most of the country saw seed deals decreasing, the percentage of seed deals increased in Massachusetts. Internet and mobile deals dominated California and New York, while Massachusetts saw lots of Internet and health care deals. As for New York, the Empire State saw five big deals over $20 million in Q4 2012.

A few points of methodology: these data include private US companies, and they exclude angel and incubator investments. The state for a deal refers to the headquarters of the company receiving funding.

For more information, download the report here, where you’ll find additional insights on the Series A crunch, the most active venture firms, and the strongest industries.

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Kira M. Newman is a Tech Cocktail writer interested in the harsh reality of entrepreneurship, work-life balance, and psychology. She is the founder of The Year of Happy and has been traveling around the world interviewing entrepreneurs in Asia, Europe, and North America since 2011. Follow her @kiramnewman or contact
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