Travel on Your Device’s Screen With

Never before it has been so easy for us to travel around the world. Not only actual travel, involving planes and other physical transportation methods, but also using the web. There are all sorts of maps available to explore, with some apps that let users to visit almost any place in the world without actually moving – but none like

This is a fairly new app, that has been launched earlier this week, working as a web and iOS app. allows users to publish their panoramic photos by creating, sharing and exploring something called “Spaces”: sets of panoramic images connected with each other. “Spaces” are then organized in “Portals”, which makes navigation much more easier.

The majority of the pictures seen in are taken by professional photographers, which helps to guarantee a certain level of quality standards. The app also has additional interest for professional photographers, being a place to showcase their panoramic photos with ease and style, as well as businesses, that can use to show their clients how their place looks, also in a stylish fashion.

You are probably wondering how this works, but it will become apparent with a simple example. Imagine that you go to Paris to see the Louvre and you take a panoramic photo there. Going to you could upload the photo to the Louvre’s Portal, making it available for everyone else to see.

Each panorama can be embedded elsewhere using HTML and, of course, on social media using the regular channels. Any user can use on the web app in its entirety, but the mobile experience, with the iOS app, is far better. Also, as it is a new service, the number of panoramas on is not that large, but with time it should grow considerable making the whole viewing experience much better.

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25 y/o, born and living in Portugal. Majored in Biology, but tech and computers were always a passion. Wrote for sites like Windows.Appstorm and MakeTechEasier.
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