Failure: One More Step on Your Road to Success

As a famous saying by Thomas Edison goes, ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work’, there are many who follow this principle precisely in life. When you fail a thousand times, you actually learn the secret to success.
While the word ‘no’ deters many from pursuing their desired goals, some behave just the opposite. With every ‘no’ they become more powerful and resilient to follow their dream path towards success. The word ‘no’ shouldn’t debilitate you. Rather it should empower you to achieve a whole new level of greatness you never dreamed possible. So how does one turn his failure into a success story? Continue reading to know how.

Determine your goal and develop a passion to pursue it

You want to pursue a specific business objective, say for instance building up an effective online space for entrepreneurs and developers to support one another. Don’t feel disheartened by statistics which might say many have traveled the path and failed. You may hear complaints from other companies that faced problems while trying to set up own social media networks. Don’t let these deter you from pursuing your own goal.

Build up character strength to face negativity

According to academics who have guided students to success, the process of building character strengths should start from an early age. Capable guidance of teachers or parents can really help in developing character strengths like confidence, persistence, and social intelligence. Don’t think that your body is the only thing that needs exercise. Your mind muscles demand workouts too! Once a person develops these character traits he becomes mentally strong to bounce back from any failure and turn the tide in his favor.

Increase your failure/success rate intentionally

Now that you have a goal in mind and character strengths to pursue it, try to adopt a bit of a different route. Intentionally increase your failure rates. Sounds weird? This counter-intuitive, reverse-thinking philosophy actually works, provided you know the tricks. Suppose you have a business venture in mind about whose success you are quite sure. So get ready to hear lots of ‘No’ coming from potential customers, investors, business associates, etc. The more ‘no’ you hear in short term, be sure even more ‘yes’ will be heard in long term.
Finally, if you feel that failure is the vehicle which takes you to the doorstep of success then why not celebrate failure rates! It always helps if you keep in mind that to negotiate the path towards deeper success one first needs to learn how to fail.

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Alex is a Editor-in-chief at hmirrorwall with a passion for wearable tech, robotic innovations and artificial intelligence.
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