How to Get Customers to Open Your Emails

Email marketing is an essential part of the growth strategy of any business. But here’s the catch – it works only if your customers open the mails you send. Many marketing emails go straight to the trash without even being opened. And with the new Gmail feature of categorizing your emails into  “Primary”, “Social”, and “Promotions”, your email marketing campaigns go straight to the “Promotions” tab and have every chance of being ignored, getting lost in the entire lot, or being deleted without a single glance.

So what should you do to avoid that from happening to your email? The obvious way would be to work harder to make your campaigns stand out, which will make customers want to read them. Make your emails so impressive that your audience will look for them with avid interest. Here are a few ways to achieve that.


Providing exclusive online (e-mail only) offers

The main reason your customers open your email is if it is valuable to them. Therefore, make sure your emails are truly valuable. Give subscribers an undeniable offer through email which is not available elsewhere. You can also send promo codes via email which can be applicable during their purchase on your site, through the link provided in the mail body.

Have a clear, catchy email subject line

Customers get hundreds of thousands of promotional e-mails in their inboxes and you need to work really hard for your message to stand out in the crowd. The best way to differentiate your email from the rest would be to have a subject line that clearly tells the customer why they should open it. A clear way of doing this would be to create a sense of urgency by saying it is an offer exclusive to them or would end in 2 days and so on. Do a bit of research about the types of email subject lines which have high open rates.

email marketing



Generalized emails make customers feel less personalized, which in today’s world is not good enough. Research the different types of customers in your list and provide them with a personalized offer they are more likely to want. Segment your emails based on places, consumer preferences, demographics of the area, and interests. Segmented emails with personalized subject lines and body copy have 26% higher chances of being opened.

Make acting on the offer simple

Once you have gotten your customers to open your email and succinctly told them what is on offer, you have to provide them with the easiest way to act on it. In the limited time that you have, you have to capture your reader’s attention and tempt them with a link provided just below your description that would take them straight to the place on their website where they need to go. This will increase the chances of them buying. If they are made to search, they are likely to not go to all the trouble.


Image Credit: Flickr/slgckgc

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Written by:
Mridula is an avid tech blogger with a varied knowledge of various gadgets. She blogs at Techybuzzz
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