When you own a business, things can get hectic and sometimes it can be very easy to lose track of time and in a lot of cases, time equals money. Efficiency is the key when running a successful business as it is a critical part of maintaining fluidity and avoiding avoidable errors, missing important things and losing money. Here are a few apps that offer some useful tips to help you manage and maintain control of your time in order to make sure you are running a smooth operation.
1. Yaware
Yaware app is one of the best when it comes to effective monitoring. By downloading the app on to your employee’s computer, you will be able to monitor everything from websites, to breaks, to tardiness. No matter where you are located, you can keep things running smoothly without lifting a finger by logging on their website and managing directly from the site without needing to download the app.
2. Hubstaff
Hubstaff app helps to track the activity levels of your employees with screenshots, website tracking and application monitoring right from your phone or computer. This app is especially great if you or your employee’s are working in different or remote locations. You don’t even need the app; you can just login on their website to use it.
3. When I Work
When I Work app is a great tool for communicating with your employees and making sure everyone knows what’s going on. The app enables you to verify, update and maintain scheduling, it provides the employees to communicate with each other to change shifts or request time off and it also provides the clock in and out function to help keep track of time worked. You can even mange & communicate with your employees directly from their website.
4. Office Time
Office Time app is a very well rounded all in one app that allows you to monitor multiple things at once. Your expenses, invoices, when your employees are inactive and for what duration, it provides you graphs and charts of which you can sort by category allowing you to have a big picture view of how everything is coming along. You can check out their website for a Windows & Mac desktop version.
5. Stayfocusd
Stayfocusd extension for Google Chrome Browser is wonderful for those who are easily distracted by the urge to update their Facebook status, check their personal email and perhaps even indulge in a little online shopping. You can configure the settings to allow on a specific amount of time on un-work related websites so that you are forced to complete the task at hand. Once you have used up all the allotted “fun” time, your preferred sites will then be blocked for the rest of the day.
Whether it’s time or money you are looking to save these apps will help get you on your way. With things moving as fast paced as they do, you as a business manager most certainly do not have the time to sweat the small stuff. Choose the path of least resistance, leave your employees be and minimize the micromanaging by taking advantage of one of these apps specifically designed to make your life easier and increase the overall productivity of your business.