How to Create a Healthy Company Culture

Company culture refers to the behaviors and beliefs determining how employees interact and handle business relations. It dictates how employees communicate, how they work together and, more importantly, how successful the company is.

In most cases, company culture is merely implied. There are, however, successful companies that make their unique culture a large part of its operations, all the way down to its staffing practices. When you have a happy and healthy company culture, you have lower turnover rates and satisfied employees.

If you are wondering how to do this, make sure to follow these tips when trying to keep your culture as happy and healthy as possible.

Safe Working Environment

Every member of your workforce must understand the importance of safety. If an employee feels unsafe in the workplace, it brings in toxicity. Toxicity spreads quickly and can also quickly bring down the morale, bruising a healthy and happy culture.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs explains that personal security is one of the most important necessities in life. If your company does not have a safety culture handbook in-place, it should.

Build a Workout Room

Some professionals have extremely demanding schedules. This does not leave much time for personal fitness, stress relief or maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of work. Companies offering a workout gym for use before or after hours have happier employees, which reflects on the overall culture of the workplace.

When employees can take their hard-earned salaries and spend the funds on an investment, vacation or special occasion rather than a gym membership, they feel better about their job. This little perk can go a long way in persuading employees to stick around.

Eliminate Vending Machines

Get rid of vending machines. The soda machines should be removed too. Replace them with healthy snacks, carbonation-less drinks, and maybe even a smoothie bar.

It is also a good idea to hold a short seminar to teach employees how to eat healthier to perform better at work. Using healthy food choices and sticking to a healthy meal plan can improve productivity, mood and efficiency – creating a pleasant environment for staff.

Tip: Do not make it company policy to adopt a healthy diet. The pushback could be disastrous. Instead, just suggest that staff eat healthy, but don’t offend anyone while doing so.

Create a Team Environment

Companies with employees that are versatile and able to work in multiple departments have healthier cultures. The business owner started with the culture based upon his or her personal values of what a company should be. At the same time, the boss is the one that is willing to work any position to do what the business needs him/her to do.

Employees should also be willing to pitch in wherever they are needed and not complain about a task not being part of the job description. Lead by example.

Have Fun Days

Employees need a little time to unwind and have some fun at work every once in a while. Consider a casual Friday, a day to do whatever they want or a day to do nothing at all. It creates a more stable environment and gives employees something to look forward to.

You may find that some of your employees have talent far beyond their job descriptions and are more valuable to your company than you thought when they are given a little time off.

Embrace Individuality

Let people be themselves (within reason). When an individual is forced to act a certain way, dress a certain way or even read a script a certain way, work becomes a chore rather than an opportunity. Employees are just there to do their jobs and go home.

Without individuality, the culture at your company cannot be diverse enough to be equal, exciting, and productive. The idea is to let people show their true personalities in the way they do outside of work, while adhering to company guidelines at the same time.

Hire According to Cultural Standards

Some companies have a specific culture that they wish to maintain. A prime example of this is Zappos. It hires employees based upon their potential to fit into the existing company culture. What makes Zappos different is that it offers new hires $2,000 to quit after 1 week if they are not satisfied with their position or the company.

Essentially, the company does not want anyone who is unhappy to disturb the company’s culture, so they do not see the point in keeping those on that are there for a paycheck only. Zappos values its culture, what the brand stands behind and those working there must fit into this culture for the entire corporation to mesh properly.

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Written by:
Bill Ecksel is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has been a journalist for over 10 years. He has written for numerous local and regional publications and is the Chief Editor for Industry News Corp. He has written on many topics over the course of his career but is currently focusing tech and startup companies. In addition to writing, he has a wife and three children and is a huge Wolverine Football fan (Go Blue!).
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