When you lose your smartphone, it’s easy to find. You can call it, you can track it, and you can have it sent to you through the mail. Even when you lose your keys, there are devices you can purchase to help you keep track of them better than ever. But what about your wallet? It contains your ID, your credit cards, and basically everything important to you other than your smartphone, and you have no way of tracking it down if it gets lost. Until now.
LEIF is the best way to turn your wallet into a smart wallet. Gone will be the days of losing your precious cards and ID, as LEIF provides you the peace of mind you’ve needed for your second favorite pocket filler. As a simple business card-shaped device, LEIF allows you to connect your wallet to your smartphone through Bluetooth in order to track it.
With a one year battery life and a sleek design that won’t make your wallet too bulky, the features on this tiny card are great for the forgetful tech user in all of us. Not only will it alert you when you have left it behind, LEIF will make finding your wallet fun. It has a countdown of steps that will let you find your missing item within a few feet. You’ll even be able to get the contact information of the establishment you left it at so there will be no need to remember anything on your own.
If you’re wondering when you can get your hands on one of these smart business cards, you are in luck. LEIF has launched a Kickstarter campaign that aims to raise enough funds to get their product off the ground. Early bird orders are still available for the shockingly low price of $29! While they have only reached one third of their $30,000 goal, they still have a month to raise what they need. So if you want to see this product in the real world, get on over to their website and show your support.