While every digital marketing campaign is different, the reality is that most are built on common fundamentals and key elements. As a startup looking to make a splash, it’s important that you’re able to hone in on these important characteristics while simultaneously putting a fresh spin on the approach. If you can do that, your efforts will be successful.
5 Critical Components You Can’t Do Without
When studying digital marketing campaigns, you can’t simply look at what the Fortune 500 guys are doing and try to mimic their strategies. You have to mold your campaigns after businesses and organizations that are in the same boat as you. This means looking towards other startups, and even nonprofits for inspiration. As you’ll notice, some of the best digital campaigns are able to master the following characteristics:
1. A Quality Website
Look at your website like your home base. It’s the central location for all of your digital marketing efforts. Everything you do will feed from or into your website. With that being said, it’s critical that you pay careful attention to how this website portrays your business. As a startup, here are the top things to keep in mind.It’s no longer an option.
- Responsive web design is a must. With a heavy percentage of internet users now using tablets or mobile devices to access the internet, you can’t afford to invest in a desktop only website. It also makes very little sense to pay for mobile websites that don’t always translate well to varying device screen sizes. Spend the extra money and go responsive.
- Today’s best websites are simple and streamlined. When it comes to web design, less is always more. Say what you need to say, but try to tighten up the copy, eliminate unnecessary graphics, and flesh out rough spots. Users are quickly overwhelmed with busy sites and will bounce at a higher rate
- Did you know that 47 percent of internet users expect a web page to load in two seconds or less? Approximately 40 percent will abandon a site if takes longer than three seconds to load. And for each one-second delay in load time, you’ll see a seven percent reduction in conversions. The moral of the story? Make speed a priority.
Don’t underestimate the power of your website. Even if most of your digital campaign takes place on social or external webpages, people want to see that you have a quality site.
2. Strong Social Presence
Social media is obviously important to startups because it allows them to reach the masses quickly and directly. It cuts out the middleman, so-to-speak, and hastens the process of building brand equity.
Social media adds credibility, enhances your customer service efforts, and provides a method for listening to customers and understanding their opinions. You don’t need to go crazy with your social presence, but do establish strong profiles on staple networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you have success with these, feel free to expand to Instagram, Pinterest, and other popular platforms.
3. Organic SEO
For startups and new entrepreneurs, the idea of building an SEO presence from scratch can be pretty intimidating. Thankfully, there are plenty of free and paid resources on the internet to help guide you through this cumbersome and slow process.
Assuming you don’t have a large budget for SEO, there are a few things you can do to enhance your efforts without spending a dime. Start by doing some intense keyword research and really identifying the concepts and keywords you want to go after. Next, develop a content marketing plan around these keywords. Finally, pay attention to your website and static pages. These need to be technically flawless and easily crawlable by the search engines.
4. Timely and Relevant Content
Content is big for startups – whether that’s visual or textual in nature. The key to content is making it both timely and relevant. This intersection is easier than it sounds. Timely refers to the current mindset of consumers, while relevant is related to the current stage your startup is in. If you can find a timely issue that’s relevant to your company, then you have a content idea that may be able to gain some traction.
5. Compelling Visuals
Finally, compelling visuals are important. The internet is rapidly moving away from stale content and towards visually enticing images, infographics, and videos. It’s clear that internet users want more imagery and less text. While it may require a heavier investment on your part, you won’t be disappointed if you take the time and energy to create a visual-heavy content strategy.
Developing a Successful Campaign
By focusing on these five key elements, you can enhance your startup’s digital marketing efforts and quickly accelerate brand awareness and growth. As always, don’t be afraid to throw in your own unique ideas and techniques – but start by building around these concepts.