5 Indispensable Ways to Promote Your Event Planning Business

Planning and managing an event is undoubtedly a very difficult task. However, promoting the event management business is even more daunting as one has to sell the service to others. It is a very complex process as you need to make others believe in you and your potential to organize a successful event.  This can be achieved with the help of efficient marketing as it is very important and crucial task for the growth of the business. Here are the 5 most important ways to promote your event planning business:


Networking is very vital for the survival of the event planning business. Event planners have to deal with multiple people to get the work done. Hence, having a good network can prove to be very beneficial for the business. Having good network of customers can be helpful in getting more referrals. Maintaining the contact with florists, caterers, hotels, and clubs can prove to be helpful in giving good services and getting more references. Networking also helps to create a good client database.

Presence on Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of the daily routine. For event planners, it can prove to be very important for marketing. The first and foremost advantage is that it has no cost attached to it and can reach a vast audience. Marketers can share the photos and details of the events organized on social media to attract more eyeballs. Customer testimonials can be shared on social media to gain the trust of potential customers.

Satisfied Customers

Customers who are happy with you can prove to be your brand ambassadors. Delivering well and exceeding the expectations of the customers will make them loyal to your company. Try to deliver the best, as a satisfied customer can do wonders for your business. They can create word-of-mouth marketing and can acquire more referrals for you. Customer services can be improved in order to attain the higher satisfaction level from the customers. Companies should not think of one-time profit but instead try to retain the customers and build long-term relations.


In order to expand, business advertising is a must. Online marketing has gained more popularity but we cannot overlook the importance of offline advertising.  Boards, hoardings, pamphlets, brochures are some of the traditional but useful ways of advertising. Well-printed business cards are very effective tools to make good impression on the customer. They should be used and carried by all the employees of the firm. Print ads are also very effective; whether it is in the form of registering with the local directories or placing an ad in newspaper or magazine.

Have a Website

Customers have become more tech-savvy and they use the Internet to look for anything and everything. It is a basic necessity to have a website regardless of the size of the business. It is pivotal to have a good website that looks authentic and provides all the basic details about the firm to the customers. Owing to the advancement of technology there are fair chances that the potential customers will search online for the event planners in a particular area. Hence, having a higher rank in the search engine can prove to to have an added advantage as it can help to acquire more potential customers.

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Arpan is a Digital Marketing Enthusiast at Indabaa.com . He is passionate about writing the tech news and likes to share ideas, tips on search engine, social media marketing and reputation management.
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