In the hectic world of today, stress controls your life. From waking up in the morning to a blaring alarm to commuting to work in bumper to bumper traffic, there’s plenty to be stressed about on a day to day basis. And while meditation and exercise are heralded as the best way to keep calm, finding the motivation is all but impossible with your busy schedule. Fortunately, one game is finally providing the motivation.
Champions of the Shengha is a mobile game from BfB Labs that you play with your emotions. Designed as a digital card game, like Magic the Gathering or the original Pokémon, this mobile game allows you to collect characters, weapons, and spells in order to battle a global tournament of players on your smartphone. So how do you level up? By controlling your emotions.
Equipped with a bluetooth ear-clip that measures players’ Heart Rate Variability, a psychophysiological marker of stress and anxiety, players are prompted to breath deep and calm down in order to get better gear and fight harder.
The need for this kind of game is more than obvious. Stress has become a bigger problem than ever in this country, leading to a large spike in the stress index for Americans. Adults are struggling to deal with the complicated world around them, while children are unable to adapt to an evolving world. Especially in schools, students are having more and more trouble dealing with the stress of education rather than learning from it. And this game could change that for the better.
“Emotionally Responsive Gaming is a tool equipped to reach young people of all backgrounds and attitudes, and to teach them through interactive engagement and self-directed play rather than preaching a message,” said Tom Chatfield, author of How to Thrive in the Digital Age.
While the Champions of the Shengha Indiegogo campaign implores every day people to invest so they can play the game, the founders urge investors to help them get the game set up in schools. While this fun means of de-stressing could help you manage your daily schedule, creating a healthy environment for children to learn in a way they enjoy is the ultimate goal of this mobile game. And there’s nothing better than a game that can entertain you, de-stress you, and contribute to a great cause.