How to Create a WordPress Blog [Infographic]

Have you ever come across a really breathtaking WordPress blog? Chances are, you’re probably subscribed to at least one of them. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably always wanted to have your own WordPress blog site, but the typical one-click install may seem a bit too generic for you. However, installing the full WordPress platform to a domain and web host may seem daunting, too.

Fear no more, because the folks at StudyWeb created this handy infographic that will guide you through the process in baby steps. From choosing a domain name to populating your WordPress site with content, here’s everything you need to know in order to get up and running in about an hour.

How to Install WordPress [Illustrated]
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This article was contributed by Chris Beck who is a Content Producer/contributor and also a well published freelance writer in the insurance and tech space. Originally from Asheville, NC and a University of South Carolina Alum. I am also an avid Gamecock sports follower... I have a family of four including a twin brother, 6 if you include our Fox Hound and German Shepard.
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