6 Steps to Selecting CRM Software for Your Nonprofit

Startups know that CRM software is an important tool in managing the sales funnel, the relationships, and many important, trackable aspects of the business. So how can non-profits make sure that they are implementing their business model into the selection of this software? John Suffern of Lumity published this post to help with the process. Here are the basics:

1. Why do you need a CRM?

Will this be used as a platform for all stakeholder data management or for a single segment, like donors?

  • Establish the current state and the desired state of your needs. Remember to keep in mind your overall strategic plan.
  • Don’t get stuck with what you need right now. Think about what the CRM will need to do and look like in the future.
  • Establish the team needed for the project. Make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate in this process.

2. What is your budget?

Have you established a line item in your budget for technology and software?

  • One-time costs include customization, set-up and training.
  • Recurring costs include licensing per users. per month.
  • Potential add-on costs include data migration.
  • Don’t forget to estimate the projected gain from managing your database.

3. How sophisticated is your data right now?

Are you starting from scratch or migrating from another source? Is your data buried in e-mail or in a physical paper trail?

  • Identify the time and resources needed for migration.

4. What reports are crucial to our business decisions?

  • Does your organization depend data based on donors and fundraising, volunteers and program impact, or source of funds?
  • Determine which program will allow you to pull this information easily.

5. How unique is your data and your organization type?

How much customization, and how much of the default software can you live with? Do you need integration with:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • QuickBooks
  • File storage attachments

6. What is your overall implementation timeline?

  • Plan for training time, adoption, AND a learning curve for team members.
  • Budget for a support package if needed.
  • Evaluate whether your current staff is able to implement the software, or if a consultant should be considered.


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Previously the Managing Editor at Tech.Co, Ann Diab has a background of launching and nurturing of startups and tech companies. Empowering and educating entrepreneurs and startups to better productivity and culture is her passion. Growth Manager at WorkingOn to enable folks all over the world to enjoy work and improve communication. Follow me on Twitter.
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