3 Essential Ways to Improve Traffic to Your Site

Make 2016 the year that you get the results you want from your website. You can get the traffic you want and the revenue you want by learning the most effective techniques and using the right tools.

Since online marketing is constantly evolving, you could spend all your time reading about changes and current best practices. Instead, I’ve compiled the essential three ways for you to improve the traffic to your site.

Improving Your SEO

Search engine optimization helps your website gain visibility in search results and draw in more traffic. But SEO includes so many different practices that it can be a full-time job trying to keep up with all the changes and making sure your site is properly optimized.

In 2016, creating quality content will be the most important thing you can do for your SEO. You’ll still need to start with the right keywords to reach your audience, but instead of creating blog posts that are only 400 to 500 words, you should focus on creating in-depth posts that are between 1,000 and 1,500 words.

Focus on quality over quantity. You will get much better results from your SEO if you are posting one information-rich post per week than you will if you post flimsy articles five times a week.

Creating quality content will also help you to effortlessly get links back to your site from top sites in your niche.

Improving Advertising Revenue

Driving more traffic to your site is one of the best ways to increase advertising revenue on your site. With more traffic, you have more views and clicks, earning you more per ad. More traffic will also make your site more attractive to potential advertisers, and you can set your own rates for display and native advertising.

Using the right tools can also help you to improve your advertising network. For example, Pubsio is a top network that connects advertisers and publishers. The network is more than just a matching service though. It also provides the tools for creating the display for in-text ads. The service includes optimization to get the best results, and you can monitor the analytics to see how ads are performing.

By finding the right advertising service, you can take some of the work out of managing your ads while also getting better results. Consider Pubsio or one of the countless other services out there that can help you meet your advertising goals.

Improving User Experience

Improving the user experience is one of the most important things you can do to increase the success of your site. Otherwise, users will come to your site and leave immediately, likely to never return.

Your site needs to load fast, be easy to navigate, and offer simple tools to make the user experience easy and pleasant. That means that you shouldn’t blast your site with ads that are annoying and slow down the page load time. You shouldn’t bury information or make it hard for users to find what they need. You shouldn’t create a wall of text that is boring or overwhelming.

Work with a designer to get the best page layout for your site, and create engaging and interactive content that answers questions for your customers. Make sure that your site loads quickly and that all information is easily accessible.

Make these changes to your site this year and you will soon be meeting your goals for increased traffic and revenue. With a high-performing site, there’s no limit to what you can do with your business.

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Written by:
Ryan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate on covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Follow his latest posts on Clear World Finance and Forumsmix.com
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