Anyone who has access to an Internet connection likely knows that there are many options to make phone calls without having to pay a single cent. Skype was certainly a pioneer in this field, and still is a very popular service, but currently the market is filled with hundreds of apps offering similar capabilities, and nowadays not paying for voice calling is a commonplace.
Still, there is no app (or not much alternatives, at least) offering the same capabilities that Meucci features. With this app, users can call anyone, at any place, for free – but the key here is that Meucci provides free (depending on your mobile plan) GSM calls and group calls, supporting non-smartphones.
By not requiring the usage of Wi-Fi or mobile data, as well as smartphones, Meucci has the potential to become a big player and bring huge benefits to the populations of emerging markets and countries. Another amazing feature of this service is that the other people involved in the calls do not need to be Meucci users, greatly increasing its outreach.
With Meucci, calls are free, even if you are calling abroad, and the quality of these calls is almost unparalleled, as they use a unique mix of GSM and VoIP, instead of the regular Wi-Fi or Internet apps. Meucci is available, for free, for iOS and Android.
While it may sound “too good to be true”, Meucci is absolutely a reality, so go try it out for yourself and check what this service is really capable of.