The many who opt for paperless offices find out that it is similar to trying to go for a paperless bathroom. Even in a digital age, printed material is still vital for the daily operations of many companies, but ingredients such as lead, silver, and chromium that are still used in printing are toxic and hazardous. Processes like chlorine bleaching also involve water pollutants that can cause health problems, even cancer.
Technology has made some major changes in the printing business, however, and environmental considerations have gained ground. In fact, those who market themselves as green printers seem to be gaining an edge in the printing industry. Business leaders are educating the public on green printing solutions, and more people are embracing the benefits they offer. While it’s all too easy to believe that we’ve moved beyond traditional ink printing (due to the extensive coverage on 3D printers and what have you), we haven’t – and green printing is a way for us to continue to print, but in a more sustainable way.
It’s (Not) Easy Being Green
Green printing is a growing trend that is not reserved for activist groups and smaller do-good enterprises anymore. Big corporations offer green services and goods, trying to adapt to the challenges of the modern world. Some of them are pioneers in the area, setting standards and inspiring many others to follow in their footsteps
It is spreading in many printer shops, the same as vegetable and soy-based ink, but many printers include them only in limited amounts or as special offers. This approach is in contrast to the efforts of those who go all-out and build their reputation as eco-friendly business. The goal is to limit the ink, paper and other waste, and make sure the one that is produced is fit for recycling.
A Price Tag and a Green Tag
Green printers put an effort to go an extra mile and introduce sustainable solutions like non-chlorine bleached paper, and pay attention to the emissions and the use of energy and water. Some companies manage to recycle up to 98 percent of the waste, and nearly eliminate the toxic chemicals. Investing in energy efficient equipment is an important part of their strategy, although upfront costs can be unpleasant.
Many people don’t know they can use re-manufactured laser toner cartridges or ink cartridges. These cartridges are recyclable and eco-friendly, which makes them a better choice than most traditional solutions. Most major companies, such as HP, Epson and Dell support remanufactering and refilling of toner cartridges, through their distributors like TonerPrice and others. And the best part is that you even get a warranty for recycled cartridges.
In the end, remember that a sustainable printing is a constant improvement process, and that it requires a holistic and systematic approach. One must pay attention to the input materials, design, the printing process itself and finally the fate of the produced goods. It takes much more than appearing green on the logo and keeping some recyclable papers in stash just in case.
Get the Green Light
Sustainable printing practices are on the roll and environmental leaders are stealing the show. High-efficiency recycling and use of the non-hazardous materials are likely to become a norm, as customers crave for high quality and eco-friendly services and products. Great rewards wait printers at the end of the sustainable printing path because investing in energy efficient and environment-friendly equipment pays off in the long run and enables you to build a solid recognizable brand.