If you prefer high-speed shopping and scoring the best deal in no time, you have joined the ranks of people who have tired of the hassle of going to malls, finding a parking place, pushing through crowds, and standing in long lines to pay for purchases or not finding anything you’ve liked at all. But in choosing to shop on mobile something more basic is missing – there is a social aspect to physical shopping. There may be a sales clerk or a fellow shopper to engage in small conversation; there is just the “feel” of being around other people. Enter social shopping sites.
The Appeal of Social Shopping
Instead of just sitting before a screen and looking at potential purchases, social shopping integrates engagement features such as product sharing, conversations, and getting reassurance from others when a product is being considered for purchase. The goal is to make the online shopping experience less isolationist, and it is catching on. Here are 5 of the best social shopping apps launched last year.
SavelGo is a social shopping app that offers you a new approach to purchasing goods and services. Set up a profile, start browsing for different products and specific services, and you will open up a world of shopping that includes “special deals” delivered right to your phone, the chance to have real conversations with other consumers who are or have shopped for similar items, getting all the pros and cons from real people in real time interaction. You will get a personalized continual visual stream of deals and have the option to chat with the merchant, complete a purchase online or to pay in-store.
Connect with experts all over the country with this iOS app, to find whatever you want. You can track down everything from a cool restaurant in a city that is a vacation destination to a rare book you have been looking for. Once you launch your search, you will get your options and can choose to purchase the item or make a reservation right then and there.
Stuff n Style
Stuff n Style is a truly unique app. You can take pictures of everything in your closet, post them on your profile, and ask for help from others in putting together outfits that you may never have thought of. You also provide information about your body type, so that others with similar body types can get involved and share their outfits. Contributors will also suggest items for purchase to match your existing items and where to find them.
Social Clique
Have you ever seen an article of clothing or a complete outfit worn by someone on a TV commercial or in a show or movie that you cannot live without? Now, you can find that clothing with this cool app that is now on seeking funding via Indiegogo. There a couple of options, one of which is quite cool. As you are watching something on any device, from your iPhone to a smart TV, simply click on the item you love and be directed to a retailer who carries it.
New social shopping apps are launching daily with social shopping rapidly becoming a massive trend in 2016. And those that have the most success focus on peer-to-peer recommendations and delivering highly-custom deals, which can be shared with other like-minded shoppers.