Top 10 Y Combinator Companies by Funding Stage

Mattermark just released a new report with Y Combinator‘s top startups to graduate from its program. Since it was founded in 2005, Y Combinator has put hundreds of startups through its program. The program offers entrepreneurs access to an enormous network of smart people, many who are powerful in Silicon Valley.

“[We] help you find your own heuristic so you don’t have to come back to us again” said Kevin Hale about Y Combinator.

Not all startups have it big after the program, but other have become billion-dollar companies. The 55 companies who are currently at the Series A stage have on average raised a lifetime total funding of $11.6M per company, the 24 at Series B have raised an average of $31M per company, and by Series C the average funds raised per company jumps to $187M.

Here are the top 10 startups by funding stage:

Top 10 Seed Stage Portfolio Companies

    1. Final
    2. Unbabel
    3. FrontApp
    4. Sliced Investing
    5. Move Loot
    6. Estimote
    8. Humble Bundle
    9. Dr Chrono
    10. BloomThat

Top 10 Series A Stage Portfolio Companies

    1. Homejoy
    2. DoorDash
    3. Product Hunt
    4. ZenPayroll
    5. Lever
    6. Mattermark
    7. FlightCar
    8. URX
    9. LendUp
    10. LE TOTE

Top 10 Series B Stage Portfolio Companies

    1. Optimizely
    2. Tilt
    3. PagerDuty
    4. FutureAdvisor
    5. Interana
    6. Matterport
    7. HackerRank
    8. Kamcord
    9. FiveStars
    10. Sift Science

Top 10 Series C Stage Portfolio Companies

  1. Dropbox
  2. Instacart
  3. Coinbase
  4. Quora
  5. Hipmunk
  6. Codecademy
  7. E la Carte
  8. Scribd
  9. WePay
  10. Weebly
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Written by:
Camila has been heavily active in South Florida’s tech startup community, where she is a co-host of a local radio show called pFunkcast. Camila previously worked at Greenpeace International and the Organization of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in various communication roles. A proud Brazilian who spent most of he life in Peru, she is passionate about traveling and documentaries.
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