Your iPhone 6+ is Causing Your Neck and Back Pain

I have been an avid reader for the vast majority of my life; I remember the amazing journeys that French literature books took me on and I have been hooked since the age of 12. However, I have never experienced the excruciating pain that I experienced a few days ago. I woke up in the morning with my whole back and shoulders locked up and any sudden move in the wrong direction meant intense pain.

I believed it was just a simple knot and did a few gym moves, foam rolled, and felt a little bit better but this pain would not leave me alone. I got in touch with Beverly Hills Uber Chiropractor to the Stars Dr. Ryan Pendon. He immediately recognized the cause and pointed out to me that it is due to my constant hunching over my computer. But when I mentioned that I have been reading a lot on my iPhone 6+, he identified that this was a case of iPhone 6+ Back Pain Syndrome.

The iPhone 6+ Display is so pretty that you can’t help but keep reading, checking Facebook pages, scroll the constant tech news feed, and otherwise feed your connection addiction with the fancy phablet.
Dr. Ryan was kind enough to provide some posture guidelines that I could share with other phablet users. Take a look at the posture example and review these 4 tips to avoid this back pain syndrome:

1. Maintain the Plumb Line

When standing, picture a straight line from your ear to your ankle which would touch your shoulder, hip, and knee.

back posture


2. Engage Your Core

While sitting, engage your core muscles (bring your belly button toward your spine) and keep your shoulders pulled back and down to help maintain proper posture.

3. Change Position

Limit the amount of time spent in one position while on your phone. If you absolutely need to spend time on your phone, switch up your body position frequently, especially your neck. Try sitting and bringing your hands up to eye level instead of constantly looking down. The key is to not spend too much time in one position.

When the body is static for longer than an hour, muscle fatigue sets in. If this is done consistently day to day, changes in posture will occur.

4. Lie Flat to Recover

I recently had to fly from Los Angeles to the Democratic Republic of Congo, which required a 13 hour and a 7 hour leg. This is grueling for anyone, especially someone with a recent back issue. Dr. Ryan recommended that I lie flat on the floor daily for 15 minutes with a towel supporting my neck. I even did this move on the plane and let me tell you, I ended up with an epic positive outcome. My back felt as if it just got adjusted on-the-fly with a slight soft massage as well.

I highly recommend these moves for anyone who is using your mobile device often. Hold your chin high and you will also be on your way to better sleep and reduced pain.

healthy back

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I write when I am inspired by events and people
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