It’s Friday, and everybody is winding down to the weekend. I don’t know about you, but I love to try new, fun things on the weekends with my free time. I hike a lot of new trails, surf new beaches, but one of my all time favorite things to do is cook new foods on the weekend.
Maybe I eat it all by myself, of maybe I cook a meal for my friends – it really doesn’t matter. My tradition goes as follows: put the Food Network on (it could be any show), turn the volume up loud, and get cooking. The key is to do your shopping on Thursday night so you can hit the kitchen whenever you get the inspiration over the weekend (also helps avoid pesky traffic).
This weekend, I’ll be trying my hand at a few new foods that I came across on BuzzFeed, specifically their Food channel – I’m sure you’ve seen these videos on your Facebook. I’m talking about the super sped up, top down videos of people creating amazing things in the kitchen. I thought I’d share with you all my weekend food inspiration with you guys, in the form of amazing videos.
NOTE: these aren’t for the faint of heart – the foods are packed with calories. But as JJ Watt says, sometimes you just “gotta go full cheat meal”. Plus it’s the weekend…have fun!
Image Credit: Flickr / cropped, resized