Tips for Starting a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Every successful business should have an effective marketing campaign. From branding, to blogging and social media, new developments in technology have transformed marketing. There are now many different ways to utilize marketing strategies, and become a successful online marketer. With the growth in new marketing trends it is important to make sure you know what you are doing, as executing a marketing campaign that hasn’t been properly thought-out could have a negative effect on your business. An important aspect of a successful marketing plan is a strong email marketing campaign. Email marketing can be a little tricky, especially if you’re a beginner. Before embarking on email marketing, here are some helpful tips.

Effective Subject Line

All successful email campaigns need a clear, coherent subject line. You want to inform the reader about the content of the email in a way that makes them want to read it themselves. Use the subject line to concisely describe what you are providing or promoting, this will increase the click to open rate, meaning people will be more likely to open the email and follow the call to action after reading the content.

The Right List

At first, it may seem like sending your email to the most amount of people, and gaining huge numbers of subscribers is the most important thing, when in fact it is far better to ensure you are emailing the right people. Not all of your subscribers will be interested in the emails, for example if your email is about a new range of trainers, it’s likely only those customers interested in sports or running are likely to be interested. With newsletter and email marketing providers like Newsetter2Go, you can easily import recipient groups from Excel or CSV files, which means you can categorize your contacts into segments determined by their interests.

Clear Objective

Before writing the content of your email, ask yourself these two important questions: who is the target audience? What content will appeal to them? Keeping your audience in mind when creating content will help to construct an email that will be useful, and interesting to them, rather than an email whereby the soul goal is to increase open rates. If the reader finds your email interesting, they are more likely to visit your website, and perhaps even share it with others which will encourage natural linking and ultimately help your website climb the ranks in search engines.

It is important to consider what you are hoping to gain from the email, be that increasing sales, or letting your customers know about a new product, having the goal in mind will help you create content that encourages the reader to fulfill your call to action.

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Endri is a bilingual marketing professional, he has diversified experience in start-ups, business ideas and their process of integrating with marketing. He spends most of his time on net reading business & marketing stuff while writing articles.
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