Effective Ways to Keep Communications Costs Low

Communications costs have the potential to cripple a startup business that has a limited budget. However, the latest Internet and mobile technologies can dramatically lower these start-up communications costs. Here are some of the most effective ways to achieve this.

Video Conferencing

Thanks to constantly evolving tech, you no longer have to travel long distances to talk face-to-face with suppliers, customers and other members of an organization. Many video conferencing systems like Skype or Google Hangouts are free to use and efficient in helping with communication. These systems help you save time, money, and resources with cutting down communication costs, making it less of a hassle to chat with others in your business.

Websites and Social Media

The cost of dealing with customer queries can be time-consuming and costly. Websites and social media have all changed this. You can now use these online assets as communication hubs, communicating directly with customers, other businesses, and everyone in between. Social media, in particular, is a great way to keep people updated about your business.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are also taking affordable communication one step further. With processing speeds in cell phone rivaling that of whole computers, you now have the potential and convenience to carry out most of your crucial business functions on the go.

Apps like WhatsApp allow you to send and receive files in a wide range of formats including text, images, video and audio. If you need more functionality to communicate more efficiently, you can install a wide range of other mobile communications apps or even develop your own mobile app.


Though it’s lessening in popularity, email is still an effective way to communicate online. There is a good reason for this. Once your email server and email accounts are set up, you have a free and valuable method of communication that is used by almost everyone who has some connection with your business. A carefully written email can save you a huge amount of time speaking with people on the phone or in person.

Email is perfect for building relationships with customers and shoppers. You can do this by building an email subscriber list. From there, you have a one=stop shop for customers’ information.

These are just a few of the ways that

Start-up owners have a lot of high business costs to deal with when they start a new business venture. However, with all of the affordable modern communications systems available, communications costs should not be one of these high costs.

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IT manager and independent journalist, designer, entrepreneur and blogger living in Jersey with his dog Soul
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