8 Anti-Aging Tech Gadgets

You know something’s a common Silicon Valley concern when it becomes a plot point in the TV show literally titled Silicon Valley. Which is why its devoted viewers might not be surprised to hear that last season’s subplot, featuring a “blood boy” who offered up his more youthful blood in regular transfusions to a wealthy VC hoping to stave off the aging process, was based off a true story. Thankfully, not every anti-aging treatment, stop-gap or tech device is quite as vampiric. Here’s a list of anti-aging gadgets that can help keep that youthful look without the blood donation.

Silk’n Facefx Anti-Aging Device, $100

This device is your new long-term solution to wrinkles: Clinical tests have verified it works: Just eight weeks of FaceFX use could result in a 91 percent improvement in skin texture, 69 reduction of lines and wrinkles, and 78 percent reduction in pore visibility; The device’s makers vouch for its status as “the most advanced at-home, anti-aging device available today.”

SmoothBeauty Laser, $500

Use this fractional laser a recommended five times a week for 12 weeks simply by running it over your face and letting the warming lasers target the layer of skin just under the surface. The end result: You’ll look more youthful and “radiant,” thanks to fewer wrinkles and fresher skin. And yes, it comes with those two special words anyone about to shell out $500 for an anti-aging gadget needs to hear: “FDA approved.”

Trophy Skin MicrodermMD Microdermabrasion System, $300

Okay, I’ll admit that the brand name “Trophy Skin” might be almost as discomforting as a “blood boy.” And this product, which functions by buffing away dead facial skin like a miniature floor buffer, might not sound appealing either. But it’s certainly a simple, non-evasive process, and you can’t argue with the time commitment: Just five minutes a week will keep your skin looking smooth and youthful.

NuFACE Haute Contour Facial Toning Gift Set, $30

This package set includes the NuFACE trinity device, a trinity facial trainer and trinity ELE attachment. Combined, they rely on FDA-cleared micro current technology, which transmits a soft, relaxing current into the facial muscles below your skin. A recent clinical study confirms that 85 percent of users experienced “significant improvements in facial contour” thanks to their use.

Lift Wand 2.0, $72

A high-frequency anti-aging device, the wand improves skin tightening while boosting collagen in facial skin. You’ll get four different wand electrodes along with the wand base. You’ll be able to use these for aesthetician-recommended treatments including smaller spots like pimples or larger areas like your jawline or chin.

Healthy Care Titanium Microneedle Derma Roller, $13

At just 13 dollars, this replacement for a $250 microneedle dermarolling session is quite the deal. It cuts out the radio waves or lasers and replaces them with a mini rolling pin of needles to massage the tissue beneath your face and encourage collagen production. To use the device, roll it vertically, horizontally, and diagonally across your whole face for no more than two minutes about three to five times a week.

PMD Personal Microderm System, $160

This personal electric dermarolling tool comes with a power cord for those who prefer the high-powered version over the analog one. A variety of different settings and exfoliating disks will allow you to create the best dermarolling experience for your body or facial skin: Choose from training/ultra sensitive, very sensitive, sensitive, and moderate. And, in addition to the written instructions, you’ll get a DVD how-to explanation.

LightStim for Wrinkles, $250

Lightstim’s model will be familiar to anyone who’s read this far down on the list: Pass the wand-like device over your face for an FDA-cleared, painless way to stimulate your facial skin’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin, with the end result being a reduction in fine wrinkle lines. You might not be able keep yourself alive forever, but you can make everyone around you think you’re immortal, which is the best thing.

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Adam is a writer at Tech.co and has worked as a tech writer, blogger and copy editor for more than a decade. He was a Forbes Contributor on the publishing industry, for which he was named a Digital Book World 2018 award finalist. His work has appeared in publications including Popular Mechanics and IDG Connect, and his art history book on 1970s sci-fi, 'Worlds Beyond Time,' was a 2024 Locus Awards finalist. When not working on his next art collection, he's tracking the latest news on VPNs, POS systems, and the future of tech.
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