How to Use Celebrities as Part of Your Marketing Plan

Celebrities and commercials have usually been a match made in heaven for decades. On one side, you’ve got a household name – the top film star, the loveable athlete or the up and coming pop sensation. On the other side, there’s the brand – the soft beverage, the new car model or a funny commercial for a bank.

Who doesn’t remember Michael Jackson singing for Pepsi or the legendary “Macho Man” Randy Savage snapping into a Slim Jim? Those commercials became iconic and will forever be affiliated with the aforementioned celebrities’ legacies. On the other hand, not every match works, as some collaborations can often be offbeat, horrendous, or simply strange, but once a celebrity appears in a commercial, the result is mostly memorable. But what happens if you’re not a Fortune 500 company or a top brand with a high marketing budget, yet you still a want a famous face to advertise your product? It may sound far-fetched, but there are ways to make it happen.



Social Video

Social Media has become more vital for branding and marketing companies by the day. Many campaigns acknowledge the use of Facebook, Twitter, and the likes for pushing products forward. Social video is another tool which is excellent for that matter – it’s cheap and can be used with any smartphone. In this case, all that’s needed is to ask a famous person if he or she would be willing to tout the product by recording themselves for a few seconds via a phone camera. Even better – get Kim Kardashian to endorse you. Kanye West’s wife is an avid user of the social video app Keek, along with her sisters Khloe and Kendall. The Kardashian family likes to document itself in any possible way, and it’s no surprise that Keek has become one of their favorite social platforms. Another celebrity who used social media wisely is basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal, who announced his retirement from the game in 2011 on Tout.

No wonder celebrities like social video platforms. They’re easy to use, the videos themselves are short, and the celebrity gives the product the best exposure possible, making it viral and in demand. Now all you need is to find that celebrity if Kim Kardashian isn’t available.


Find the relevant celebrity

Those Nespresso commercials with George Clooney, they look so smooth and natural, don’t they? It seems like Clooney was tailor made for the coffee capsule brand. With his suave and elegant presentation, the Academy Award-winning actor seems like the perfect fit than rather say, a commercial for a beer company. This is where marketing strategy is key, especially if you’re a company without a sky high budget. Think who your target customers are and what they embody. Sure, if you’re Snickers, you can always hire a star who’s a good sport and can take a joke, but if you’re not (and most aren’t), then figure out who presents you best on all accounts. He or she will eventually be your future face of the brand.




Go long term

If there’s one thing that celebrities don’t have, is a regular timetable. Athletes have the off season while actors have their breaks between filming, yet they’re always on the move. In order to catch the celebrity in time for promoting your brand, think of a long term strategy which will benefit you and the celebrity so your schedules don’t clash. Use that Google calendar wisely, or scheduling apps for that matter. Time is money, and planning ahead will save it, as well as gain revenue for you and your brand.


Image credit: CBS

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Written by:
Robert is the Founder of Topanda. He is passionate about startups, technology, and music on a vinyl.
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