Let’s be honest; there’s more than enough information out there on the Millennial presence in the business world. Whether it’s their buying behavior, their social media tendencies, their workplace productivity, or which Disney Princess they are, this generation has been studied, analyzed, and researched more than lab rats with predilections for electro-shock therapy.
But what about other generations? How do, for example, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers respond to social media marketing tactics in comparison to their younger counterparts? Fortunately, CitiPost Mail tackled this issue in the second part of their generational study on social media marketing, which first covered, of course, Generation Z and Millennials. Surprise.
A lot of interesting statistics came out of this infographic, including the fact that only 53 percent of Baby Boomers have a smartphone, Generation X has the highest brand loyalty rating at 84 percent, and neither of them are very active on Twitter or Instagram. However, perhaps the most interesting, and economically significant statistic that arose from the study was that Generation X uses social media more than Millennials.
Isn’t this the generation condemned for their excess use of social media? A generation that turned giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram into the massive successes they are today? Apparently, with the improved user experience of social media today and the second largest disposable income behind Baby Boomers, Generation X has become quite enamored with this “new technology.”
With a new usage leader in town when it comes to sites like Facebook, marketing teams need to keep up with recent trends more than ever. The infographic below outlines a few key tips for marketing to these generations on social media. Whether it’s finding Generation X influencers to spread the word through their avid Facebook presences or engaging Baby Boomers with interactive content and frequent polls, you need to find your niche outside of Millennials. Because as you know, we can’t do it all.
Read more about social media here on Tech.Co