For businesses, security is a top priority, and with such a wide range of potential threats to consider, how data is stored and managed can fade in importance compared with more immediate-seeming physical threats.
But this is an area where all businesses need to be vigilant, especially as the amount of information stored grows over time. The question is, how do they keep all of this safe from hackers?
Storing data in the cloud is an increasingly common solution, but is it the right option? Chances are, unless you’ve got a decent amount of spare capital, it is. Looking after the data on your own might seem like a good idea because you can keep a close eye on everything, but this creates other issues.
Just because all your information is stored on laptops, computers, or storage devices and are close at hand doesn’t make them safe. You can more easily keep track of who accesses this information during the working day, but what about once you’ve left your workplace? Criminals who want to steal information won’t just use hacking methods, they’ll be happy to break a window to get to what they want.
While cloud storage might be out of sight, it doesn’t mean it’s unprotected. Secure cloud storage services are available and it is imperative for providers that security is maintained, especially following multiple high profile data security breaches.
If you’re looking for a reliable cloud storage provider it’s probably advisable to go mainstream. The more data they have the bigger target they are, so they’ll ensure they’re as up-to-date as possible with their procedures. Not only that, but they’ll be employing security experts to look for any weaknesses in the system. In other words, it’s their job to keep the information they hold safe – they’re dedicated to it.
You on the other hand have got a business to run and so you’re unlikely to have the time, and that’s even if you have the relevant expertise. If you don’t you’ll need to hire someone and that’s going to be costly if you want someone who really knows their stuff.
Of course, even if you did decide the investment was worth it, you then have to spend time enforcing strict guidelines for your staff to follow so that data isn’t compromised. From strong passwords to rules on devices, this can be a struggle. People will make mistakes and you’ll just have to hope they’re not major ones.
But once the mistake is made, you may be stuck. What do you do when a staff member leaves a laptop full of customer information on a train? By the time this issue has even been picked up, it could be too late. That’s going to be hard to explain to your customers. With a cloud storage company, everything is static, while staff will be highly trained in correct security procedures.
When it comes down to it, using the cloud is most likely worth the cost. While it’s not perfect, it’ll give you, and therefore your customers, peace of mind.