Peercisely: Find Better Quality Referrals for Hiring

Cynthia is a hiring manager who just can’t seem to find the right candidates. She’s received hundreds of resumes, but none of the candidates really have what it takes to make it at her company. She wants to take advantage of the best source-of-hire — employee referrals — but hasn’t heard from anyone on her team.

With Peercisely, Cynthia can tap into an outside network of referrers to help find the kind of candidates who will make a difference at her organization.

How Peercisely Works

In the past, hiring managers were limited in their referral sources to employees and people in their personal and professional networks. Peercisely expands that potential referral pool to help companies recruit high-caliber new talent.

Peer referrers scroll through job listings on the Peercisely iOS app and refer the people in their personal and professional networks who will make great candidates.

What makes these referrals better quality candidates? Referrers on the Peercisely network make recommendations based on more than just skills; they refer candidates with the right personality, temperament, goals, and motivations to make great employees.

Gone are the days of spending countless hours scanning resumes for keywords, only to find out in an interview the candidate isn’t the right fit. By tapping into the power of personal and professional networks, Peercisely helps hiring managers make the hiring process more personal.

For employers: Employers post jobs on Peercisely using “coins.” One coin gets you a simple job posting where you can preview the number of referrals and comments waiting to be uncovered. Purchase five more coins and get access to all of the referral names, resumes, comments and contact information so you can find the perfect new hire.

Want even more referrals? Incentivize referrers by donating to charity when you receive referrals or apply Peercisely coins toward a referral bonus for the referrer who finds you the right candidate.

Still not enough? Purchase sort ranking promotions to multiply your job posting’s relevance and ensure it’s being seen by as many peer referrers as possible.

For referrers: Why would anyone want to be a Peercisely referrer? Yes, referrers get the satisfaction of helping the people in their personal and professional networks, but that’s not all. Referrers can also earn money for themselves or the charities they choose based on how successful their recommendations are.

When referrers see a job posting they know someone in their network is perfect for, they simply tap their choice and send the posting via SMS, Facebook or email to that candidate. Referrers earn points for each recommendation, which increases their Clout. Clout helps referrers climb the leaderboards and, in the long-run, earn more money for the charities they choose.

For job seekers: Job seekers have it easiest on Peercisely. Once they create a professional profile, all they need to do is click “Accept” or “Decline” when their peers refer them to different positions. It’s that simple.

Pros of Peercisely:

  • Break free of “keywords” and make the hiring process more personal.
  • Increases the size of your potential referral pool.
  • No licenses or administrative fees required for organizations.
  • Referrers are incentivized to make quality recommendations.
  • Offers free job postings for nonprofits around the world.

Cons of Peercisely:

  • Only available for iOS, for now.
  • Only services San Francisco, CA area at this time.
  • Costs for a job posting can add up quickly when you purchase Peercisely coins to donate to charity and boost sort rankings.

To learn more about how Peercisely can connect you with high quality referrals, visit their website here.


Image Credit: David Marcu

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Written by:
Heather R. Huhman is a career expert, experienced hiring manager, and founder & president of Come Recommended, a content marketing and digital PR consultancy for job search and human resources technologies. She is also the author of Lies, Damned Lies & Internships (2011) and #ENTRYLEVELtweet: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle (2010). Find Heather on Google+.
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