How Do Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers Sync With Each Other?

Your fitness tracker is not in a position to deliver all its useful information to you. That’s why it is important to pair it up with your smartwatch.

In fact, pairing the fitness tracker with smartwatch will give you access to increased insights, more challenges and additional features. You will even be able to get access to a supportive community. But did you ever wonder how your fitness tracker syncs with the smartwatch?

How It Works

First of all, let’s figure out how the fitness tracker counts your steps. Usually most of the fitness trackers come along with built-in gyroscopes and accelerometers. This is a 3-axis accelerometer, which has the ability to track the movements that take place in any direction. On the other hand, the gyroscope is responsible for measuring orientation and rotation. They work together in order to count steps when you walk. Some fitness trackers come along with more advanced features, such as the ability to track your heart rate, cadence and altitude.

Most of the fitness trackers come along with built-in Bluetooth technology. They use Bluetooth in order to pair with your smartwatch and sync data. If your fitness tracker is using Bluetooth, you will have to turn on Bluetooth in your smartwatch and pair it.

However, this connection has the ability to create a tremendous impact on the battery life of your smartwatch. If you are concerned about the battery life, you will have to stop the fitness tracker pushing data into the smartwatch in real time. However, you need to make sure that your fitness tracker and smartwatch and completely synchronized before you close the app and terminate the connection. Otherwise, the data will be partially synchronized and you will be uploading that to your cloud.

You Can Add Third Party Apps

You can also install a variety of fitness related third party apps to your smartwatch. These third party apps use the built-in technologies of your smartwatch such as Bluetooth in order to connect with the fitness tracker and sync data. However, it is important to keep in mind that all the fitness related apps do not sync data via Bluetooth.

Google Fit is a perfect example to prove the above-mentioned fact. Google Track synchronizes data via the cloud when you get connected to the internet. Therefore, the users will have to provide access to this app in order to get connected to the Internet and sync data. Sometimes, the users will have to experience a lag in syncing data due to technical issues. In that kind of a situation, the users are provided with the ability to manually upload data to the cloud and sync.

If you own a smartwatch and a fitness tracker, you can think of syncing data in between them on a daily basis. Sometimes, it is better to sync data several times a day. Then you will be able to figure out your activity patterns and take necessary measures to ensure proper health.

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Goutham has been using the Internet since the late 00s. He is online all day, every day because he works online and makes good money doing it. Goutham loves the Internet and can't seem to go without it for even one day. He realized early on that so much can be done with the Internet.
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