TechCode’s International AI Accelerator Is Helping 50 Startups Already

Startup incubator network TechCode has today announced the first cohort in a new accelerator program dedicated to artificial intelligence startups. This cohort of the program, which is titled the Global AI+ Accelerator, will aid fifty startups from ten countries.

The internationally-focused program follows similar U.S.-based programs from TechCode. Luke Tang, Head of the TechCode Global AI+ Accelerator Program, summed up the accelerator’s goals in a statement:

“International expansion is becoming more of a priority for today’s startups, especially within the artificial intelligence field as the technology grows rapidly across the globe. Our first-of-its-kind accelerator program enables our startups, who are from all over the world, to tap into our global resources to quickly commercialize their technologies and scale up their business. In doing so, we hope to further advance the artificial intelligence industry and help these promising startups find new ways to solve existing problems.”


Here’s a look at 17 of the startups involved with Global AI+ Accelerator, alongside a sentence-long summary of their AI services.


Gives wearable solutions for ultimate cardiovascular disease management.


Accurate data and visualization of key factors in plant optimization.

Calibrate Education

Creates tools that will allow students to learn in new ways and develop a deeper understanding.


Uses machine learning to improve self-driving car safety via a real-time visibility of deep neural networks.

Cocoon Cam

Measures respiratory patterns in children by tracking the chest movements.


Builds personal cloud devices that let you store, search and privately share photos and videos.


An AI-powered virtual recruiter.


Building complex, easily integrated AI solutions for the enterprise.


An online platform that enables companies to engage all of their employees in frontline innovation every day.


Kitchen Automated cooking fresh food for the home kitchen using robotics.


Offers to all action sports lovers a new GoPro experience with this motorized 3-axis stabilizer.


Builds a pan that computes nutrition and teaches you how to cook and documents your recipes.


Develops full 3D CAD solution with real-time collaboration.


Monitors your water quality 24/7, delivers solutions to keep your pool or spa healthy.

Titanium Falcon

Builds a smart ring which uses motion or gestures to control apps on smart devices.


VR A social VR experience powered by a wearable 3D camera.


Creates the first in-ear BBT thermometer to collect data comfortably and accurately.

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Adam is a writer at and has worked as a tech writer, blogger and copy editor for more than a decade. He was a Forbes Contributor on the publishing industry, for which he was named a Digital Book World 2018 award finalist. His work has appeared in publications including Popular Mechanics and IDG Connect, and his art history book on 1970s sci-fi, 'Worlds Beyond Time,' was a 2024 Locus Awards finalist. When not working on his next art collection, he's tracking the latest news on VPNs, POS systems, and the future of tech.
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