TikTok Allows More Users to Earn Money on the App with Update

Now more TikTokers are able to earn money on the platform, though there is a strict criteria to meet first.

TikTok has kicked off its subscription model expansion to include users who aren’t signed up to Live.

The new deal means that more TikTok users will be able to access features including being able to offer their followers “exclusive perks, unique experiences and a members-only community for a monthly fee”.

TikTok seems to be pushing on with business as usual even as the deadline for its sale or closure in the US looms ever closer.

What Does TikTok Deal Offer Creators?

The company, which is currently locked in a battle for its survival in the US, has made a raft of announcements in recent weeks including launching an Election Center for US users.

This latest announcement means more users will be able to make money from their content.

The subscription for Live creators was rolled out in 2022. It mirrors offerings from competitors including YouTube membership and Instagram’s Subscription model.


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It allowed access to tools that users can deploy to drive “more meaningful” engagement, TikTok explained. Specifically, they could offer three tiers of subscription to their own audience and select which benefits would match each tier.

Options include access to sub Space, chats, comments, and messages for direct interactions. TikTokers can also create exclusive content for their different levels of subscribers and perks “such as performance requests, Discord roles, shout-outs, and LIVE topics, or custom perks designed by the creator specifically for their community.”

More Money for TikTok

All of these options have the endgame of driving engagement and bringing in new subscribers, which TikTok creators can monetize. Live subscriptions start at $2.99/ month.

The social media platform revealed its plans to expand the subscription to non-Live members at the Future Formats Summit in March, where it also unveiled the Creator Academy, where creators can get answers to queries about “account health, creation tools, content skills, and monetization features”.

How Will TikTok Live Expansion be Rolled Out?

Initially, the subscription was available on an invite-only basis. Now TikTok has widened its reach but shares that the subscription isn’t going to be available to everyone. Eligible creators must be 18 years or older, have an account “in good standing”, but also must have a minimum of 10K followers, and 100K video views in the past calendar month.

The subscription is rolling out to Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, the UK, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the US first; but other markets will follow.

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Katie has been a journalist for more than twenty years. At 18 years old, she started her career at the world's oldest photography magazine before joining the launch team at Wired magazine as News Editor. After a spell in Hong Kong writing for Cathay Pacific's inflight magazine about the Asian startup scene, she is now back in the UK. Writing from Sussex, she covers everything from nature restoration to data science for a beautiful array of magazines and websites.
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