Will Someone?: A Social Network for Getting Things Done

We’re all busy. Being constantly busy is a huge epidemic among modern day Americans. Some of us feel like we have to do everything ourselves, and may even feel guilty delegating. However, the smart makers and doers know that sometimes it’s okay, even better, to ask someone for help so that they can focus on the important things.

Will Someone is a social network platform that makes it easy to ask for help. They are part community, and part productivity tool. Think of it as a social productivity tool. You can leverage your network to work with other people to get more shit done. Obviously, it will probably work best if you’re a giver as well as a taker, and this tool helps you to be both.


What makes Will Someone different?

“Like getting peanut butter in your chocolate, we think the idea of mixing community into your task list to create an ask list is both smart and super tasty. It is this combination of your to do list and your waiting for list that helps you more easily stay on top of everything you have to do and everything that others have to do for you.”

What is the purpose of Will Someone?

“It used to be that our personal life, our professional life and our community life were clearly separated. Today we just have life, and there is often too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. This is where Will Someone is most helpful, empowering you to easily ask for help from others, track their progress and manage the task to completion in a simple to use ask management tool.”

Alynd is the startup behind the Will Someone social network. Founder and CEO Chris Heuer has over twenty years experience in hacking productivity and digitizing business. Alynd’s focus is in creating solutions for collaboration and accountability in the professional world. Their mission is to “accelerate the rise of the future of work by embracing and amplifying the principles of mutual respect, true collaboration and personal accountability for our individual role in creating shared value.”

With Will Someone, they are taking their experience in professional collaboration and bringing it to the masses. It is a tool that can be used in professional settings, but is primarily for use in your community outside of work. With this platform you can request any kind of task from household chores to tutoring sessions. The website is still a bit shaky, but over the next couple months they plan to release mobile apps, improve the desktop experience, and extend some of the functionality and features.

Alynd demoed at our 2nd annual Celebrate Conference in 2014.


Image Credit: Flickr/Cory Doctorow

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Kristin is an aspiring entrepreneur who is enthusiastically navigating her way through the DC startup space. She has an unending passion for learning and is never satisfied with the status quo. During the day she is an ops, biz dev, and marketing maven for Fission Strategy
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