Creating Curated Content That Actually Works

Unless your business has a full time writer, you probably don’t have the resources to win at content marketing. Fortunately, taking a shortcut or two can help you get your foot in the door. These great ideas can help you win with curated posts and high numbers.

Most, if not all of the top blogging sites and news sites in the country use content curation. Why? Because it works. After all, there are only so many ways to tell the same story. So, when a great news story breaks, many news outlets will often curate that from the original source and mention that the story was first found at a different source.

Whether you realized it or not, curated content has been around for longer than most internet marketing gurus care to confess. This is not a new idea. People have been taking advantage of it for a long time and it has helped spread news stories and improving companies around the world.

“Curated content is an incredible way to fill up your sites needs with A plus content for B minus prices,” said Donald Fairbairn, writer for Mastermind, a provider of curated content marketing.

Most business also miss the mark by not syndicating their content.  Social shares as well mentions and citations are part of Google’s Algorithm that evaluates companies gaining traction with their readers. When a trusted website link back to your articles and posts, that link or “vote of confidence” passes value in Google’s Algorithm to move you up the search results. The key: give the people and Google what they want. Give people what they want by following trends. Give Google what they want and reap the benefits with Higher SERP rankings and more visitors.

Content marketing comes in different shapes. There is the traditional blog written text form. There is also Videos on YouTube, Facebook posts, Instagram images, Pinterest Images (recipes etc). The point is that there is no one definition. Providing valuable content is putting out information that your audience wants to consume. The marketing adage that many people are familiar with is, “meet the prospect where they are”. Meaning if your target audience is a Pinterest guy or gal, be on Pinterest. If they like to subscribe to RSS feeds and read lengthy blog posts then by all means do that.

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Digital Marketing Enthusiast. Fitness Nut. Father, Husband. I have two young sons and its kind of crazy in our house sometimes so we call it THE DUDELIFE. If you want to work with me you can get ahold of me at MasterMind.
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