Applause Ranks Top Health and Fitness Apps

If you’re like me, when it comes to health and fitness tracking apps, you listen to word of mouth reviews above all else. There are so many options out there, and it’s hard to cut through all of the noise on your own to find the best ones. Therefore, we tend to use whatever our friends recommend (luckily I have a lot of friends who are into fitness tracking).

Now there is another source of less biased information for your fitness app decision making needs. Arc, the app researching group from Applause Analytics recently released a report called The 2016 State of the U.S. Health & Fitness Apps Economy. It’s a long name, but the information it provides is pretty basic–which apps provide the best mobile experience along with the most relevant and accurate information.

Out of the 8,000+ health and fitness apps available in Google Play and Apple App stores, the researchers concentrated their study to the top 65 brands with the most popular apps. They chose brands that had more than 10,000 reviews in the app stores, and ranked them based on customer ratings of both Android and iOS apps.

Ten apps earned above average app quality scores of 66 or greater based on more than 40,000 reviews:

  1. Period Calendar / Tracker by ABISHKKING (94.5)
  2. Relax Melodies by Ipnos Software (88.5)
  3. Period Tracker by GP Apps (88.5)
  4. Calorie Counter by MyFitnessPal (83.0)
  5. Lose It! by FitNow (82.5)
  6. My Pregnancy Today by BabyCenter (82.5)
  7. Sleep cycle alarm clock by Northcube (79.5)
  8. MapMyRun by MapMyFitness (78.5)
  9. MapMyWalk by MapMyFitness (77.0)
  10. Runkeeper by FitnessKeeper (72.5) [Android | iOS].

There were definitely some apps that, according to customer feedback, have lots of room to improve. These apps all struggle in the areas of security, stability, elegance and content:

  1. FitBit (49.5)
  2. Weight Watchers Mobile (47.0)
  3. Google Fit (37.0)
  4. Garmin Connect Mobile (21.0)

This table shows the ratings of the fitness apps the report looked at.

Applause app ranking

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Kristin is an aspiring entrepreneur who is enthusiastically navigating her way through the DC startup space. She has an unending passion for learning and is never satisfied with the status quo. During the day she is an ops, biz dev, and marketing maven for Fission Strategy
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