7 Best Fully Remote Job Roles You Can Apply for in 2024

The new year is here and so are new job prospects. Here are the best fully remote roles to look out for in 2024 and beyond.

If 2023 was the year big companies sought to reassert the old order by ending remote work, 2024 is primed to see many employees fight back and demand fully remote jobs.

Of course, some lines of work are more naturally suited to home working. In this guide, we’ll take you through the best fully remote jobs to apply for in 2024, based on over 10 years of experience of working remotely ourselves.

Specifically, we’ll look at what some of the most popular fully remote job roles are, along with the qualifications you’ll need (or not) and what level of pay you can expect for working from your couch.

1. Software Developer

Our number one pick for fully remote jobs in 2024 is software developer roles.

These come in all different shapes and sizes, but whether front-end, back-end, or a specific niche like Web3, one thing almost all developer positions have in common is that companies are happy for them to be fully remote.

The level of technical skills required means that software developer roles are usually very well compensated, with salaries in excess of $100k the norm for this in-demand industry.


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Required skills: Software developer roles are highly technical, so if you don’t know your Java and Python from your SQL, unfortunately it’s probably not for you.

Avg. Annual Salary (~): $110,000 (Glassdoor)

2. Content Writer

Have you got a way with words? Then content writing could be the perfect fully remote job for you. Companies have known for a while now that writers don’t necessarily need to be in a physical office to get work done, provided they’re diligent and and have the written skills.

Technically, the only requirement is a fluent level of written English, which in practice means at least a High School diploma. However, college educated applicants and those with degrees in related fields like English, Communications, Media, or Journalism are likely to be preferred.

That said, anyone can try it as a side hustle or even look to make a career out of it – especially if you’re prepared to create a blog to showcase your work or write for entry-level freelance rates.

Required skills: Fluent written English

Avg. Annual Salary (~): $67k (Talent.com)

3. Translator

The truly global nature of e-commerce in 2024 means that demand for good translators is at an all-time high, as companies all over the world look to translate their messaging for different markets.

If you’re lucky enough to speak (and/or write) fluently in multiple tongues, then this could be the fully remote job for you. Most organizations will embrace WFH arrangements given the nature of translation roles, which can vary from straightforward document translation to facilitating multi-lingual conversations.

Salaries vary, with most being on the average side, but if you’re fast enough you may find you’re able to “overemploy” yourself and work multiple gigs at once (which, done honestly, is simply called freelancing).

Required skills: Written and/or spoken fluency in two or more languages

Avg. Annual Salary (~): $61k (Glassdoor)

4. Life Coach

Look away now, therapists and other qualified mental health professionals! With no formal qualifications required, life coaching is a fully remote job open to anyone who can find themselves a client.

With many people happy to receive one-to-one coaching over Zoomthis is potentially a fully remote job, but at worst your “office” would be your living room or another private space of your choosing.

Multiple certification bodies exist and, ideally, you’ll have an ICF certification of be working towards one. However, personal qualities are the bedrock of coaching and what you really need is empathic listening, good verbal communication skills, and a generally affable demeanor. The digital marketing savvy to build an online profile also helps.

Required skills: Good listening and communication

Avg. Annual Salary (~): $62.5k (ICF)

5. Sales Rep

The Wild West of the sales world is increasingly open to fully remote workers, even if the industry may still bring to mind cubicles and business headsets.

Look at the positions currently being hired by a big name company like Salesforce and, right up to the big bucks directorships, there are hundreds of remote sales jobs going. Salaries vary wildly by experience, with entry-level reps starting out looking at more like $45-50k, according to US News & World Report.

Of course, a willingness to put on actual pants may be required at larger organizations and as you progress through the ranks, with some client meetings still  taking place in-person. You certainly won’t be looking an enforced five-day return to office, though, and much of your work will be done on the phone in a fully remote setting.

Required skills: A Bachelor’s degree in Business, Communications or a related field may be required

Avg. Annual Salary (~): $100k (Glassdoor)

6. Social Media Manager

The fine art of curating a company’s online presence is classic remote working territory, though exact requirements will vary by company and seniority.

Many roles will simply require you to create engaging social content and distribute it to the public, with some roles potentially also asking you to respond to customer queries and engage with community discussions.

A college degree is likely to be required by some employers, but if you have a strong organic social following or blog of your own, this should be viewed just as favorably as traditional education. A certain amount of digital savvy is the only real requirement, to our mind, along with strong written English.

Required skills: Digital and social media literacy, strong written English

Avg. Annual Salary (~): $64k (Glassdoor)

7. AI Expert

Last but certainly not least, AI is going to be the single hottest new sub-industry in the tech world for 2024. Those with computer science degrees can look forward to making some serious money by applying their skills to chatbots and platforms like ChatGPT, but AI jobs won’t be exclusive.

Among the many new titles springing up, expect AI prompt engineering to emerge as an in-demand skill as companies look for individuals to spoon feed them useful prompts for ChatGPT and other tools.

As humans start sharing the workplace with AI more and more, managerial roles will also develop responsible for ensuring a happy and productive relationship between man and machine.

As with all things AI, the sky is literally the limit and you can pre-arm yourself with some of the essential skills by checking out our guide to free AI training courses.

Required skills: AI literacy up to computer science degrees (BSc / MSc)

Avg. annual salary: Varies, but most AI-specific roles we’ve seen seem to be $100k+.

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Written by:
James Laird is a technology journalist with 10+ years experience working on some of the world's biggest websites. These include TechRadar, Trusted Reviews, Lifehacker, Gizmodo and The Sun, as well as industry-specific titles such as ITProPortal. His particular areas of interest and expertise are cyber security, VPNs and general hardware.
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