Watch Out for This New Apple ID Phishing Scam

Hackers are using the "forgot your password?" tool to trick unsuspecting users into giving up their login credentials.

If you’ve been prompted to change your Apple ID password recently, you might want to think twice, as a new phishing scam is utilizing the service to steal user credentials and personal information.

Protecting your data online has become a Herculean task in recent years. Security breaches, scams, and a wide range of cybersecurity threats have become a regular part of the online world and defending yourself can feel like an uphill battle.

Unfortunately, the battle rages on, as a new phishing scam is targeting Apple users through some pretty convincing means that could trick even the brightest of cybersecurity experts.

How the New Apple ID Phishing Scam Works

If you’ve ever reset the password on for your Apple ID, you’ll be quite familiar with the process by which this phishing scam steals your personal information. First, you’ll get a text or email that you must reset your password, even if you haven’t attempted to do so on your own.

If you oblige, the hackers will gain access to your Apple ID profile, likely changing the password and locking you out. This will give them all your personal information stored on the Apple service, further endangering your financial wellbeing.

The biggest problem with this phishing scam is that it’s quite convincing, as the texts and emails requesting your password are actually real. They don’t utilize fake websites to lure you in, but rather employ the actual “forgot your password?” button to get you to unlock your account for them.

How to Protect Yourself From Phishing Scams

Suffice it to say, this phishing scam is pretty advanced, but there are a few ways to protect yourself. The first step in fending off this particular phishing scam is to never click on suspicious links, no matter how convincing they might be. If you haven’t tried to reset your password yourself, there’s no reason to click on this link beyond curiosity, and we know what happened to the cat in that situation.

Beyond that, there are lots of ways you can protect yourself online from phishing scams and other cybersecurity threats. Antivirus software is one of your best bets, as it can alert you when scams and other nefarious activities are lurking behind otherwise innocuous pages online. Password managers can also help, as they’ll alert you when your credentials have been compromised, so you can change them out as quickly as possible.

Finally, the best tool you have in your arsenal against cyber threats are your own eyeballs. Vigilance can go a long way in preventing even the most advanced threats, as your average scam is laden with everything from spelling errors to questionable URLs. Just keep your eyes peeled and do a bit of due diligence before inputting information and you should be on your way to a more secure online experience.

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Conor is the Lead Writer for For the last six years, he’s covered everything from tech news and product reviews to digital marketing trends and business tech innovations. He's written guest posts for the likes of Forbes, Chase, WeWork, and many others, covering tech trends, business resources, and everything in between. He's also participated in events for SXSW, Tech in Motion, and General Assembly, to name a few. He also cannot pronounce the word "colloquially" correctly. You can email Conor at
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