Best Free AI Training Courses You Can Take in July 2024
Figure out the ethical tangles behind big data or build your IBM Watson chatbot with these free courses.
Figure out the ethical tangles behind big data or build your IBM Watson chatbot with these free courses.
You're not wrong to worry, it turns out: A lot of bosses really do want to replace you with automation and AI.
Drawing blanks at the end of interviews? Stand out by asking this unique question.
With cases of burnout through the roof, many workers believe that AI is the secret to career progression.
The new model is "ideal for complex tasks such as context-sensitive customer support and orchestrating multi-step workflows."
Sick of wasting your time wading though documents? Get useful highlights in seconds with these AI summarizer tools.
While remote work and AI usage rises, another study suggests productivity among remote workers has been impacted.
Bluetooth tracking company Tile has been attacked and extorted by hackers. Here's what Tile customers should do next.
Want to work in AI? These companies have hundreds of roles available across multiple departments and countries.
Software giant responds to backlash, telling users that their content will “never be used to train any generative AI tool."
Learn how machine learning works from a Stanford professor or dive into AI's applications in Python with these free courses.
All these chatbots need to learn how to interact with users, and jobs to do just that are popping up all over the place.
Reminiscing on how Google looked a decade ago? Remove the clutter from search results with this feature.
Build your AI skills this month, with these free training courses from Microsoft, Google and more.
If you're not creeped out, you're probably not paying attention.
Prefer a traditional search page over AI-generated summaries? We explain how you can opt out of Google's new AI Overview
These platforms can take a simple prompt and create a variety of unique images, all at absolutely no cost to you.
Microsoft has hundreds of open and fully remote positions waiting for you around the globe. Check out the latest ones.
OpenAI announces tactical launch of new AI search platform, which aims to be better, and more targeted than Google.
Perplexed about Perplexity AI? We explain everything you need to know about the AI search engine-meets-chatbot.
Get to grips with generative AI, with these completely free courses, some of which take less than 15 minutes to finish.